Page 4 - Loonan Stock Farm 46th Annual Production Sale, Red Angus, Simmental, F1 Cross – Feb. 6, 2021
P. 4

“Located in the hills of southwest Iowa”

                                                                       Judy Loonan
                                                                       Rick Thompson, Herdsman
                    Phone: (641) 322-3921 • 1724 Holly Avenue • Corning, IA 50841 • Email:
                         Judy Loonan – (515) 423-5642 (cell) • Rick Thompson –  (515) 229-0920 )cell)

        Dear Friends;

        Another year has passed and it’s time for our
        46th annual private treaty sale. It has been a great
        46 years in a business that we love and without
        our customers we wouldn’t be where we are
        today so thank you for your long time support                  Judy Loonan              Rick Thompson
        and business. 2020 has been a struggle to say the
        least. We can only hope that in 2021 things can
        get back to somewhat normal and that we can all
        stay healthy.

        Our goal has stayed the same for 46 years and          New for this year, we will be adding a feed
        that is to raise cattle that are born easily and       charge on any bulls that are not going to be de-
        grow rapidly and are functionally sound, have          livered and will be staying until picked up. This
        good udders with a good feet and legs. We try to       charge will go into eff ective after the bulls have
        raise a variety of genetics, so we have what our       been semen checked. There will be no charge if
        customers are in need of to make their operation       you want the bulls delivered, but you will need
        profi table. We also believe in breeding cattle that    to take bulls at the time I am in your area. Call
        are bred alike and are predictable – we try to take    with any questions.
        the guesswork out of buying seedstock.
                                                               We have some new genetics in this year’s sale.
        The bulls are being developed on a high-rough-         Likable is a performance bull that was purchased
        age ration which we try to shoot for a ADG of 3        at Beckton Red Angus sale. His calves are deep
        pounds. We want them to grow out without put-          ribbed, long sided and big topped. CRS Platinum
        ting on too much fl esh. We want the bulls to be        comes from the Cross Diamond herd in Ne-
        in breeding condition when they are delivered to       braska. He is one stout individual. His calves are
        your place and are ready to go to work.                very long sided and have a big hip. We also used
                                                               Domain, an AI sire out of Genex. We only have a
        Every year it seems the data we have to collect        few but the ones we do have are good.
        gets bigger and bigger and is always changing.
        It makes it hard to keep up with it all. This year     Judy and I would like to thank you again for
        they have added what the Red Angus Associa-            your continued support of our program. It is our
        tion of America calls ProS. It is a new index that     focus to help you improve your cowherd. Feel
        stands for Profi tability and Sustainable. The          free to stop by and take a look at the sale bulls
        HerdBuilder and GridMaster numbers have also           and heifers, or just give us a call. We are happy to
        changed. This means you will see smaller num-          help.
        bers on both of these indexes. The average Herd-
        Builder now is 76 and GridMaster is 39 with the        Thanks,
        ProS average at 115. Please call if you have any
        questions.                                                           Judy and Rick
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