Page 11 - ND Red Select Sale – Saturday, December 10, 2016
P. 11

701-254-4306 • •

                                                   8 BCLR MISS DAISY D611                                    OPEN HEIFER

                                                       BIRTH DATE REG. #                     CATEGORY:  BW:  WW:
                                                       2/20/16 3539377 100% 1A                          77 696

                                                               LACY GOLD BAR 8123                       | CCF GOLD BAR 0251
                                                                                                         LACY MS CHEROKEE 557P
                                                   BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120
                                                               BIEBER LAURA 158W                        | LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                                                         BASIN LAURA 5301

                                                               MESSMER PACKER S008                      | MESSMER JOSHUA 019P
                                                                                                         MESSMER MILLIE 124P
                                                   BCLR MISS PACKER Z236
                                                               EIR R214                                 | WEBR DOC HOLLIDAY 2N
                                                                                                         EIR M205

                                                   HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MARB YG CW REA FAT

                                                   107 52 1 -1.5 73 111 20 5 11 4 11 0.72 -0.08 33 0.53 0.00

                                                   34% 6% 81% 41% 6% 9% 59% 87% 42% 61% 36% 8% 16% 14% 3% 54%

    Lot 8                                          D611 is one of the absolute best heifers we have ever raised and is only consigned because we are
Bieber Hard Drive Y120, sire                       committed to offering our best for this sale. Daisy comes from a tremendous cow family and she
                                                   has a sweet disposition. She could compete in the show ring or be the front-pasture kind as a cow.
                                                   Retaining the right to a ?ush at the seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience!

   605-865-3190 or 605-848-3545 (c) • 605-865-3413 or 605-850-9878 (c) •

                                                                                                             BRED HEIFER
                                                   9 MISS BHR CHAPTER ONE 5276 CL
                                                       BIRTH DATE REG. #                     CATEGORY:  BW: WW: YW:
                                                       4/3/15 3481513 100% 1A                           87 697 977

                                                               BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912                  | BUF CRK CHF 824-1658
                                                                                                         MRM 1431 8611 9109
                                                   LCC NEW CHAPTER A705L
                                                               MISS LL ROB LOW 929                      | LEACHMAN ROB LOW 1115G
                                                                                                         GLACIER OSCE 665

                                                               BHR LOGAN 734B                           | GLACIER LOGAN 210
                                                                                                         MISS RHP LIC 808
                                                   BHR LOGAN 9285 CL
                                                               MISS BHR ROCKY RIDGE 7282 CL             | RIDGE CHANDLER 576
                                                                                                         LSF MARY BETH M83

                                            Lot 9  HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MARB YG CW REA FAT

                                                   96 49 -1 1.8 65 98 24 3 13 -2 13 0.73 0.12 31 0.15 0.03

                                                   49% 43% 96% 92% 23% 28% 23% 67% 12% 99% 16% 7% 91% 19% 38% 94%

                                                   Lot 9 combines two of our ?nest cow-making families – BHR Logan 734B and LCC New Chapter.
                                                   We just can’t say enough about the consistency we have had with those pedigrees. Miss BHR
                                                   Chapter One 5276 is a deep-bodied, thicker made female that is extremely classy. Her dam has an
                                                   excellent udder and great feet. This female was also in the ?nal cut of last year’s “U Pick ’Em” heifer

 Half                                                       AI bred to RRR Reds Rolling Deep C734 (#3484393) on 6/11/16. Ultrasounded safe for a
Sister                                             Sire 3/19/17 calf.

                                                   10                                                        BRED HEIFER

                                                       MISS BHR COWBOY 5139
                                                       BIRTH DATE REG. #                     CATEGORY:  BW: WW:                   YW:
                                                       4/10/15 3481565 100% 1A
                                                                                                        90 719                    979

                                                               RED LAZY MC COWBOY 26X                   | RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U
                                                                                                         RED LAZY MC CRISTY 60K
                                                   BAR M COWBOY CUT 2207
                                                               BAR M MS MARIA 3150- 9119                | FEDDES DIRECT KING 7144
                                                                                                         BARM FIREBREAK 11L-3150

                                                               VGW STRETCH 974                          | VGW ACE 613
                                                                                                         VGW HH INDIGO 9623
                                                   MISS BHR STRETCH 205
                                                               MISS BHR T-HEART 914H                    | HAMMEL T-HEART 699
                                                                                                         MISS BHR REAL DEAL 47

                                                   HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MARB YG CW REA FAT

                                                   89 48 0 2.9 69 108 24 -2 14 3 10 0.27 0.12 38 0.13 0.02

                                                   60% 74% 92% 97% 13% 12% 21% 28% 7% 77% 45% 80% 91% 6% 43% 83%

                                                   Lot 10 is one of our top Cowboy females. She is a long-bodied, smooth-made female that is dark
                                                   red and very stylish to look at. Her dam is also an attractive female that is very structurally correct
                                                   with an MPPA of 105. She was also in the ?nal cut of last year’s “U Pick ’Em” heifer calves.

                                    Lot 10         AI bred to RRR Reds Rolling Deep C734 (#3484393) on 6/14/16. Ultrasounded safe for a
                                                   3/22/17 calf.
Catalog online at
                                                                                      North Dakota Red Select Sale – 9
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