Page 8 - ND Red Select Sale – Saturday, December 10, 2016
P. 8

701-388-4035 (cell) • 701-262-4768 • •

                                                         2 STRA PRIMROSE 530                                                    BRED HEIFER

                                                         BIRTH DATE REG. #                                      CATEGORY:  BW:  WW:
                                                         2/21/15 3479146 100% 1A                                           76 650

                                                                     LACY GOLD BAR 8123                                    | CCF GOLD BAR 0251
                                                                                                                            LACY MS CHEROKEE 557P
                                                         BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120
                                                                     BIEBER LAURA 158W                                     | LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                                                                            BASIN LAURA 5301

                                                                     LSF HIGH YIELD 8088U                                  | MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                                                                                            LSF COVER GIRL K1426 R5057
                                                         STRA PRIMROSE 395
                                                                     BIEBER PRIMROSE 107W                                  | BASIN HOBO 0545
                                                                                                                            BASIN PRIMROSE 24T9

                                                         HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MARB YG CW REA FAT

                                                         120 52 3 -1.3 71 107 21 3 11 3 12 0.78 -0.06 31 0.46 0.00

                                                         20% 6% 65% 45% 10% 14% 48% 69% 43% 68% 18% 5% 19% 18% 7% 58%

               Lot 2                                     530 is a bred heifer that we really didn’t want to let go of. For one, she is a Hard Drive daughter and
Bieber Federalist B543, service sire                     another reason is that she goes back to Primrose 2043. She is a moderate-framed, super-thick,
                                                         deep-sided heifer. She has an impressive spread of -1.3 BW to 107 YW EPD. She is AI bred to PIE
                                                         Cinch 4126 and cleaned up to Bieber Federalist B543. The ultrasound date came back too close
                                                         to tell which one she is actually bred to, so DNA testing might need to be done to con?rm who the
                                                         sire is. But either way, you can’t go wrong.

                                                         AI bred to PIE Cinch 4126 (#1725110) on 5/18/16. Pasture exposed to Bieber Federalist
                                                         B543 (#1689751) from 5/22/16 to 7/22/16. Ultrasounded safe for a 3/2/17 calf.

                                      Should you consider Top Dollar Angus certi?cation for your calves? Absolutely – YES!

                                      If you’ve consistently invested in high-performing Angus or Red Angus genetics, we can make your calf crop stand
                                      out from the pack, and give you access to the Top Dollar Angus premium calf-buyer network, regardless of how
                                      you market your cattle (local auction, video, or direct trade). Our goal is to bring more demand to your doorstep.

The beef cattle business offers both challenges and      Red Angus sires that have a GridMaster Index           feedyards. One group of Top Dollar Angus steers sold
opportunities, and lower feeder calf prices under-       in the top 25% of the breed or higher meet Top         recently via video auction for $67 per head above the
score the need to capture value-added premiums.          Dollar Angus speci?cations. Look for the Top Dollar    average market for their weight and location. Another
Every cow-calf producer with high-end genetics and       Angus designation on qualifying lots in Seedstock      group was forward-sold for a $52 per head premium.
a solid health program wants to sell their cattle above  Partners’ sale catalogs!                               Yet another single load of Montana steer calves beat
the average market price, which is exactly why Top       This new program is similar to Certi?ed Angus Beef®,   the market by $57 per head.
Dollar Angus was created.                                except that Top Dollar Angus does its “branding”       Why are so many pro?t-minded cattle feeders
Top Dollar Angus is a genetic certi?cation and           in the feeder cattle and calf market. It works by      interested in purchasing Top Dollar Angus calves and
marketing company focused exclusively on the best        certifying calf crops that meet program requirements   yearlings? It’s because these cattle perform very well
Angus and Red Angus-in?uenced feeder calves in the       on the farm or ranch, enabling these cattle to be      both in the feedyard and on value-based grids. Top
industry. Quali?ed calves must contain at least two      marketed using the Top Dollar Angus brand name         Dollar Angus cattle consistently deliver rapid growth
generations of Angus or Red Angus genetics with          and logo. Top Dollar Angus feeder calves are eligible  and high quality grades. That puts extra dollars in
growth and carcass traits ranking in the top 25% of      to receive a $50 per head premium (sometimes           cattle feeders’ pockets, which are passed back to
their respective breed.                                  more) over the average market when sold to partner     cow-calf producers in the form of premium prices.

6 – North Dakota Red Select Sale                                                                                Catalog online at
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