Page 50 - Red Hill Farms Red Angus and Simmental Annual Bull Sale 2017
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Research Validates Red Angus as
Most-Favored Female
Ranchers across the country have long recognized the value of
Red Angus females as the foundation of a profi table cowherd. Now,
independent research validates those years of cattle production
experience with tangible data proving the Red Angus heifer’s worth.
Research Confi rmation Rancher Trusted
Esther McCabe, et al., of Kansas State While market research validates the price
University, led a study that confi rmed Red advantage of Red Angus heifers, ranchers
Angus are the most-favored female in the have tested and trusted her worth on the
industry. McCabe and her team compiled range for years. Red Angus females are
fi ve years’ worth of pricing data from Su- desirable as replacement heifers because
perior Livestock Auction, comparing 13,804 they mature into productive mother cows
lots of heifer calves totaling over 1.2 million that reward producers with extra dollars in
head that sold in 116 video auctions. their pockets on sale day.
The research team evaluated the effects Red Angus cows have gained ranchers’
of independent variables on the sale price trust as a complete package through
of heifer calves that fell into six different fertility, fl eshing ability, good disposition,
breed composition groups: English, English longevity and excellent overall production.
crosses, English-Continental crosses, Black They produce feeder calves that earn pre-
Angus-sired out of dams with no Brahman miums in the yard and on the rail through
infl uence, Red Angus-sired out of dams docility, feed effi ciency, conversion and
with no Brahman infl uence, and Brah- carcass merit.
man-infl uenced.
Over the years, stockmen have voted with
They deduced that Red Angus-sired heifer their checkbooks, purchasing heifers they
calves bring $5 to $9 more per hundred- know will bring profi tability to their ranch-
weight than all other breed types. ing businesses – and Red Angus females are
their most-favored choice.
Independent research studying
fi ve years of Superior Livestock
Auction data confi rms the value of
Red Angus replacement females.
48 – Red Hill Farms