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2018 Professional Cattlemen’
2018 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!s Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
Dear Friends and Customers,
We are excited to bring you the second edition of the Hunt’s H+ Brangus Bull and Female Sale! Our fi rst sale last year was a great beginning
to this new chapter in our farming story. While not new to selling Registered Brangus bulls, it was our fi rst time hosting a sale by ourselves.
We had great help from our Cooperating Partners, Hibberts Brangus, and Bunch Brangus! Andrew Conley, Ben Spitzer and Garret Thomas
all contributed in signifi cant ways that allowed us to have initial success and to follow that effort with an even stronger offering of animals this
year! We also were very encouraged by the kind words and support of our local Red Carpet Cattlemen organization.
The bulls from last year’s sale went to six states. NINE commercial cattle ranches purchased multiple bulls in the sale! That indicates to us that
profi t-minded cattlemen found multiple bulls to consider while improving their ranch genetics. If you will be in the market for one or more bulls
for your ranch this spring, plan to meet your genetic needs at our sale! No need to drive all over when we can be your one stop shop! Why were
so many quality bulls available for discerning ranches to choose from here at Hunt’s Brangus? The answers are various but simple.
First, we provide the commercial rancher with genetic consistency! We do not chase “fad” bulls as our AI sires. We simply stay with a proven
genetic plan! The genetic consistency in our bulls is refl ected in our females which in turn improves our cow herd genetic consistency. It is a
growth spiral that is profi table to us and to our customers!
Second, we provide carefully gathered data that they can be confi dent in on all our bulls and heifers born at Hunt’s Brangus. All animals born
here are kept until weaning for the purpose of accurately refl ecting the dam performance and growth traits of the sires used. We do not play
games with birth weights, contemporary groups, or ratios. The numbers are what the scales say they are every time. This approach allows us to
collect ALL relevant data and report it to our breed for calculation in EPD reports. This results in more accurate data for us as we make culling
decisions and extreme confi dence in our customers as you compare our animals with one another and with other Brangus bulls while making
purchasing decisions. We have adopted the use of genomic enhanced EPD on all bulls and heifers to add further confi dence to the customers
considering bulls this year!
Third, the 3 AI sires we use and their sons in use on our farm, ALL provide live calves, growth, maternal excellence, and carcass quality. Of
course their off-spring display these qualities in different measure and that comes across in their individual performance and EPD report. How-
ever, the balanced pursuit of birth weight, growth, and carcass quality all while simultaneously pursuing soundness, results in the right kind of
animal. Moderation is valuable in many areas of life! Chasing extremes in ranching leads to trouble quickly. We pursue excellence through the
consistent application of sound breeding decisions made with regularity over a long period of time! We like what we see and our customers do
as well!
We believe that this multiple trait approach will put “something extra” in your herd so that you can also have “something extra” left in your
wallet at the end of the day. We are committed to your success in the cattle business. We believe when you see the + at the end of our brand, you
will begin to equate it with $ in your pocket on sale day!!! So in our way of doing math H+ = $ in your wallet. That is “something extra” for
The Hunt Family