Page 4 - Hunt's H+ Brangus Bull and Female Sale – Feb. 24, 2018
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Hunt’s H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!s H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
In order for us to offer you quality bulls at auction year after year, We reserve the right to retain a 50% revenue sharing semen interest
we must insure that we recover the costs of developing quality bulls. on any bull sold. Bulls are in your possession and under your control
We pledge to offer you a quality animal in a fair auction environment. for natural service and you get 100% of the salvage value. We will
We do this in a straightforward manner by letting you know our base continue to own half interest in bulls for the purpose of collecting
price up front. and marketing semen, as well as using semen in our herds. While it
is unlikely large amounts of semen will be collected or sold for many
bulls, we need that as an option on bulls sold. As a buyer and at
All bulls will be offered for auction with a minimum sale price of your option, you can also have a 50% revenue sharing semen inter-
$2,500. The high bidder as determined by the auctioneer will be the est and participate in revenue from semen sales. We have developed
purchaser of the bull. However, no bull offered in this sale will ever a Bull Partnership Agreement spelling out further details. Buying a
be offered for sale at less that the beginning bid price. If any bulls are retained-interest bull obligates you to that agreement only for semen
not sold they will be available for $2,700 immediately following the collection and sales. To avoid any misunderstandings, if you have
auction and will remain for sale at that price on our farm until sold any questions at all, please ask. If you chose not to be involved with
private treaty.
semen sales, we still reserve the right to collect and market semen
on any retained interest bull.
Lots 2, 5, 6, 23, 35, 37 and 41 all sell with Hunt’s Brangus retain-
ing ½ ownership, buyer gets ½ ownership and full possession.
Bulls will sell by catalog order with any exceptions being printed in the
Sale Day Supplement Sheet and announced from the Auction Block.
The Hunt’s Brangus family and its Cooperators would like to will take his legacy into the future. His family chose to establish a
dedicate this year’s sale to the memory of our friend, neighbor, scholarship fund upon his death for the purpose of helping high
and fellow cattleman, Trent Thomason. While Trent has left this school graduates who desire to further their education in the fi eld
world for a better home, those of his family and friends left behind of agriculture. In honor of Trent’s memory and in cooperation with
will not soon forget his contributions to this community! Trent’s the Thomason Family’s vision, we at Hunt’s Brangus pledge 1%
smile, his friendship, support of our community schools, and of the sale of each animal in this sale toward the Trent Thomason
life-long work in agriculture will continue to be remembered and Scholarship Fund.
Sincerely, The Hunt Brangus Family
Over the years we have become more and BUT, let’s get real on calving ease! Our “calving-ease bulls” are
more conservative on which bulls get fl agged meant to be used to breed virgin heifers such that they will have little
as “Calving-Ease Bulls.” We have adopted or no calving problems with their fi rst calf. The other bulls in our
the philosophy that it is better for us to have catalog are very appropriate for use on cows that have already had at
stricter guidelines than for you to be sorry at least one calf. There are almost no bulls in the entire Brangus breed
calving time. Obviously there are no guaran- that cannot be used on mature cows and have no calving diffi cul-
tees for preventing diffi cult births in heifers. ties. In fact, because the correlation with size at birth and growth is
Even the most proven “Calving-Ease Bulls” of any breed will sire a extremely high, you would be losing growth (and weaning weight) if
large calf every so often. However, this information is meant to serve you use our designated “calving-ease bulls” on mature cows.
as a guide for managing risk of calving diffi culty in your fi rst-calf
females. Our goal is to help you eliminate heifer calving problems to In general, always use our bulls fl agged as “Calving-Ease Bulls”
the best of our ability. on virgin heifers for their fi rst calf and use the other bulls on any
mature cows in your herd. On the other hand, a “calving-ease
REMEMBER: Compare Brangus to Brangus – No across-breed EPD bull” to breed virgin heifers can be a God send.
comparisons can be made! Bulls indicated by the calving-ease fl ag
symbol in their data block are considered to be low-risk bulls for
calving diffi culty.
2 – Hunt’s Brangus