Page 11 - Feddes and C-T Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls Heifers – March 26, 2018
P. 11

                                                                                               REFERENCE SIRES
                                                                   J J     5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y
                                                                           5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y
                                                               SIRE                                BECKTON LANCER F442 T
                                                                               BUF CRK LANCER R017
                                                                Birthdate:  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199  | BUF CRK JULIET N036
                                                                                                   BUF CRK JULIAN L080
                                                                 3/16/11       BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353  | BUF CRK SHOSHONI 6410
                                                                Reg. #                             TC STOCKMAN
                                                                 1450309       TC STOCKMAN 365    | TC PRIDE 0014
                                                                Category    5L BLACK ADINA 525-560  GLACIER LOGAN 210
                                                                 100% 1A       5L ADINA 293-525   | 5L ADINA 109-293
                                                               Act. BW:  54  205-Wt: 643  WW-Ratio: 104  365-Wt: 1218  YW-Ratio: 108  Adj. IMF:  4.46  Adj. REA: 13.0
                                                                HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                204  56 16  -5.9  62  109  23  -4  12 14 14  0.79  -0.12  27  0.28  -0.04
                                                                1%  9%  3%  8%  41% 24% 30% 32% 45% 2% 11% 13%  16%  40%  31%  7%
                                                               Breed leading Right Kind U199 son, for calving ease and herd builder. His sons are making their mark and
                                                               also these females are making great cows going back to the maternal Black-outcross TC Stockman 365.
                        5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y

                                                                  K K      5L AD
                                                                           5L ADVANTAGE 2170-165AVANTAGE 2170-165A
                                                               SIRE            BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199  BUF CRK LANCER R017
                                                                Birthdate:  5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y  | BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353
                                                                                                   5L TRADITION 203-6145
                                                                 2/26/13       5L ADINA 195-3267  | 5L ADINA 2113-195
                                                                Reg. #                             5L TRADITION 203-6145
                                                                 1627167       5L TRADESMAN 1715-6237  | 5L LAKOTA 41C-1715
                                                                Category    5L ADINA 55-2170       5L NORSEMAN KING 2291
                                                                 100% 1A       5L ADINA 433-55    | 5L ADINA 431-433
                                                               Act. BW:  76  205-Wt: 722  WW-Ratio: 109  365-Wt: 1100  YW-Ratio: 102  Adj. IMF:  3.69  Adj. REA: 13.2
                                                                HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                129 49  11  -1.7  72  102 14  -3  14  6  10  0.40  0.14  28  0.17  0.05
                                                                24% 53% 13%  48%   8%  22% 81% 25%  13% 29% 47%  45%   87%  27%  31%   94%
                                                               This 221Y son is siring deep, thick, wide based cattle.  He’s not extreme anywhere but very balanced on a
                                                               great set of feet and legs.
                    Lot 4, son of 5L ADVANTAGE 2170-165A

                                                                  L L      5L AD
                                                                           5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221YVANTAGE 3267-221Y
                                                               SIRE            BUF CRK LANCER R017  BECKTON LANCER F442 T
                                                                Birthdate:  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199  | BUF CRK JULIET N036
                                                                                                   BUF CRK JULIAN L080
                                                                 3/2/11        BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353  | BUF CRK SHOSHONI 6410
                                                                Reg. #                             O C C LEGEND 616L
                                                                 1450210       5L TRADITION 203-6145  | 5L HAZEL 1821-203
                                                                Category    5L ADINA 195-3267      5L WESTRN KING 454-2401
                                                                 100% 1A       5L ADINA 2113-195  | 5L ADINA 518-2113
                                                               Act. BW:  92  205-Wt: 775  WW-Ratio: 116  365-Wt: 1248  YW-Ratio: 108  Adj. IMF:  4.12  Adj. REA: 12.8
                                                                HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                179 52  12  -2.0  75  108 11  -8  11  9  14  0.60  0.12  30  0.11  0.03
                                                                 5%  25% 11%  50%  13%  26% 90% 21%  50% 11% 15%  27%   79%  31%  53%   80%
                                                               5L Advantage 3267-221Y is a Right Kind son that sires extra thickness and performance in a moderate
                                                               frame, with extra depth of rib.
                         5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y

         In His hands are the depth of the earth, and the mountain peak belong to Him.
         Ps 95

        View the full-color catalog online at             Feddes / C-T Red Angus Production Sale – 9
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