Page 13 - Feddes and C-T Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls Heifers – March 26, 2018
P. 13

                                                                                  YEARLING RED
                                                                  1 1      C-T
                                                                           C-T DOMINATE 7067 DOMINATE 7067
                                                               BULL                                BECKTON DOMINOR Z1 R610
                                                                               BECKTON DOMINOR T122 Z1
                                                                Birthdate:  3SCC DOMAIN A163      | BKT LARKABEL R038 WA
                                                                                                   BASIN HOBO 0545
                                                                 1/31/17       3SCC EUCLA X723    | BSKF EUCLA U278
                                                                Reg. #                             LMAN KING ROB 8621
                                                                 3734645       GLACIER CHATEAU 744  | GLACIER REBALA
                                                                Category    C-T VRDALE 1183        DKK POWER SURGE 708
                                                                 100% 1A       CTDB VRDALE 012    | FED’S VRDALE 5122
                                                               Act. BW:  83  205-Wt: 833  WW-Ratio: 116  365-Wt: 1347  YW-Ratio: 117  Adj. IMF:  3.60  Adj. REA: 14.3
                                                                HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                152  54 7  -1.5  70  114  24 3  11 9 12  0.58  0.18  36  0.23  0.06
                                                                11% 7% 37%  54%  11%  8% 10%  76%  53% 4% 23%  20%   96%  10%  24%   98%
                                                               Don’t miss this “not only powerful but phenotypically attractive” Domain son by one of the
                                                               all-time great Chateau daughters “C-T Vrdale 1183.”  You can’t miss these ratios: 116 WR,
                      Lot 1
                                                               117 YR, 108 REA ratios, all with an extremely balanced EPD package of 10 traits in top 24%.
                                                               This bull will Dominate your next calf crop with a phenotype like this, a little extra frame, lots of length,
                                                               and loads of volume.  Last year’s maternal sib, “C-T Silver Bow 6020” was one of our top-selling bulls
                                                               to Northern Lites Red Angus and this young herd sire looks to be even better. Dam’s MPPA 104.8, MGD
                   CTDB VRDALE 012,                            101.7 MPPA, MGGD 103.5 MPPA. WE PLAN ON USING THIS BULL IN 2018.
                   maternal granddam                           •  Calving ease **

                                                                  2 2     FEDDES MAGGIO 806-E303GGIO 806-E303
                                                                          FEDDES MA
                                                                               BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199  BUF CRK LANCER R017
                                                               Birthdate:   PIE ONE OF A KIND 352  | BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353
                                                                                                   LSF SAND HILLS 9008W
                                                                 2/25/17       PIE FAYETTE 1160   | PIE FAYETTE 782
                                                               Reg. #                              BUF CRK ROMEO L081
                                                                 3737351       BIEBER ROMERO 9136  | BIEBER MELLSSIE 8337
                                                               Category     FEDDES SLEEK 806       BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249
                                                                 100% 1A       FEDDES SLEEK 2S    | FEDDES SLEEK 446
                                                               Act. BW:  76  205-Wt: 814  WW-Ratio: ET  365-Wt: 1344  YW-Ratio: ET  Adj. IMF:  4.00  Adj. REA: 13.0
                                                                HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                160 52  12  -3.1  86  136 17  -1  13  4  12  0.27  0.16  46  0.23  0.04
                                                                 7% 16% 8%  26%   1%   1% 71%  41%  21%  58%  17%  77%   94%   2%   24%   93%
                                                               This moderate-framed ET calf is a calving ease bull with top 1% growth traits.  He boasts an
                                                               814# weaning weight and 1344# yearling weight. He is a maternal brother to Feddes Oscar
                   Lot 2                                       X28 at ABS, Feddes Liberty D210 at Select Sires, and Feddes Patriot D207 that sold for
                                                               $17,000 to Geib Red Angus. His dam has an average WR of 102 on 7 head, YR 103 on 6 head, and BR is
                                                               96 on 8 head.
                                                               Calving ease ***
                   Feddes Patriot D207

                                                                  3 3      C-T
                                                                           C-T IN CHARGE 7012 IN CHARGE 7012
                                                                BULL                               BUF CRK LANCER R017
                                                                               BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                Birthdate:  5L INDEPENDENCE 560-298Y  | BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353
                                                                                                   TC STOCKMAN 365
                                                                 1/16/17       5L BLACK ADINA 525-560  | 5L ADINA 293-525
                                                                Reg. #                             BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                 3734791       BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334  | JYJ MS JOLENE W16
                                                                Category    C-T VERDALE 5011       HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                 100% 1A       C-T VRDALE 3039    | C-T VRDALE 1183
                                                               Act. BW:  73  205-Wt: 827  WW-Ratio: 110  365-Wt: 1216  YW-Ratio: 104  Adj. IMF:  4.39  Adj. REA: 13.5
                                                                 HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW   M   ME  HPG CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                198 53  17  -5.1  66  103 22  -2  11  9  16  0.66  -0.15  24  0.42  -0.03
                                                                 1% 10% 1%   6%   19%  21%  26%  28%  52% 3%  2%  13%   6%   40%  10%   9%
                                                               “In Charge” just may take charge of the Red Angus breed. He is a moderate-framed Indepen-
                                                               dence son with extra muscle, great individual performance and a big-time cow family.  He
                    Lot 3                                      has a wide back, good leg structure and an 827 lb. WW with a 110 WR all starting with a 73
                                                               lb BW. Solid carcass performance with 101 REA, Marb top 13%, REA top 10%. 14 EPD traits in the top
                                                               28% will make this bull one of the most balanced bulls you will look at. Dam is our new young donor
                                                               cow by Redemption and from the very maternal Verdale cow family. This cow family has 104 + MPPA for
                   C-T VERDALE 5011,                           three generations back.
           dam, pictured at 2 years of age                     Calving ease ***
        View the full-color catalog online at            Feddes / C-T Red Angus Production Sale – 11
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