Page 46 - Diamonds In The Desert Performance Horse Sale – Dec. 13, 2018
P. 46

Sale Ter ms & Con dition s

        1. Bidding:                          4. Private Sales:                    7. Car e of and Hor se Pick-Up:
        Person’s attending the sale in person must provide   Absolutely no private sales with consignors   Buyer assumes full ownership and responsibility
        a driver’s license to obtain a bidder number.   either prior to the sale or after the auction. All   of the animal from the time it is sold in the
        Bidders must be 21 years of age and be a customer   horses brought to the sale are consigned and   sale ring. It is the new owner’s responsibility
        in good standing. Th  e highest bidder is the buyer.   must go through the auction ring. Consignors   and sole risk from the time of purchase for
        If any dispute arises between or among two or   have given MM Auction Services, LLC   proper feed, care, and maintenance. Buyer’s will
        more bidders, sole authority to settle the dispute   Exclusive Rights for selling the consigned   be responsible to pick-up purchased horse(s)
        as he sees fi t is reserved by the auctioneer and the   horses. Management feels this is unfair to the   immediately following the sale or a $75/
        decisions shall be fi nal. Seller reserves the right   consignors and buyers who have traveled to   night boarding fee will be assessed. Horses are
        to waive the sale (bids) of his/her horse before it   attend the sale.    allowed to stay one night following the sale at
        leaves the ring. Th  e auctioneer reserves the right to                   the Plaza for a nightly stall fee of $50. Do not
        reject any or all bids. Sale of a horse is completed   5. Requir ements for  Transpor t:  take sale numbers off  the horses as they will
        by the auctioneer at the fall of the gavel. We   a.  Brand Inspection – Required on all sale   be needed for check-out through security. Th e
        reserve the right to refuse bidding to anyone.  horses: A brand inspection (AKA Ownership   buyer and sale attendees further agree to hold
                                               Papers) is included with horse payment at   the consignor and Diamonds in the Desert Sale
        2.  Inter net Live Bidding &           checkout and must be obtained from the   harmless from all loss, cost and expense arising
         Absentee Bidding:                     brand inspector once you have paid for your   from illness, injury or death of such animal, or
                                               horse(s). Fees will be included with horse
        Th  e internet live bidding is provided by www.                           loss or damage to property, and injury or death
                                               payment at checkout. and you can fi nd our                                of persons, caused by themselves, their agents,
        sale under current auctions at that link. Th ere                          or employees, or by the animal, subsequent to
        will be a 3% Buyers Fee charged for all Internet   b.  Coggins Test – Required for transport   the time of purchase.
                                               into and out of Nevada: All horses SOLD
        Bidders as well as a 3% convenience fee for
                                               are required to provide a Coggins test current  8. Equine Insur ance:
        paying with a credit card.
                                               within six months of sale date (provided by   Northwest Equine Insurance will be at the
        3. Payment:                            consignor).                        sale waiting to take care of you and fully
        Payment in full is required to be made to                                 cover your horse(s). Contact them ahead of
        the cashier immediately after the sale in US   c.  Livestock Health Certifi cate – Required   time if you’d like @ 800-828-0279 or www.
        Currency by Cash, Credit Card, or Check.   for transport out of Nevada: A veterinarian Nationwide
        If paying with a check, buyers must have a   will be on grounds to provide all horses   Coverage with Multiple ‘A’ rated Companies.
        notarized letter of credit from their bank. A 3%   going out of state a current health inspection.
        convenience fee will be charged if payments are   Fees will be included with horse payment at   9. Warr  anty:
        made with a credit card. By making payments   checkout.                   Animals that are rejected by the buyer because
                                                                                  buyer believes they were misrepresented in
        with your credit card, by cash, or check you
        acknowledge that you waive the right for a   6. Transpor ter :            the ring will need to be inspected by Colby
        return of horse(s) purchased after the required   Elite Horse Transport, LLC will be at the sale   Gines and/or Colby’s agent. Colby will make
                                             waiting to take care of you and your horse(s).   the fi nal determination whether there was
        date of Saturday, December 15th, due to the
                                             Contact them ahead of time if you’d like @   misrepresentation. Th  ere is no implied warranty
        soundness guarantee stated along with any
                                             888-477-0100 or   made by auctioneer or sale company as to
        and all refunds of monies paid in conjunction
                                             Th  ey will have four trucks and trailers there   the merchantability or fi tness for a particular
        with any purchases at this sale/auction from
        MM Auction Services, LLC. MM Auction   ready to deliver your equine partner safely.   purpose of any animal in the sale. Th  e seller is
                                                                                  the responsible party for all representations or
        Services is a pass-through agency and does not
                                                                                  warranties, expressed or implied concerning the
        hold funds for guarantees, returns or refunds of
                                                                                  condition of any horse and buyers should satisfy
        monies paid on animals purchased at auction.
                                                                                  themselves concerning the condition before
        All registration papers will be withheld until
        funds clear the bank, 10 business days from the                           purchasing.
        date of the sale along with transfer certifi cates.

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