Page 47 - Diamonds In The Desert Performance Horse Sale – Dec. 13, 2018
P. 47

Sale Ter ms & Con dition s

        10. Sou ndness Guar antee:           and the consignor still pays commission plus   13.  Liability:
        Th  e buyer is the responsible party to examine   a no sale fee. If the horse is determined by the   Buyers, sellers, and spectators are cautioned
        horses carefully before they bid. All horses   Sales Management, not to have the alleged   to exercise care while attending the sale and
        consigned have passed a veterinary soundness   defect the sale of said horse is valid and   enter premises at their own risk according to
        exam prior to the sale verifying they are sound   enforceable and purchaser assumes all costs   the laws of the State of Nevada. Neither the
        in the limb, wind, and eyes. All horses are sold   of examination, treatment, and sale purchase   owners nor any other persons connected with
        sound and with a vet certifi cate within 30 days,   price. In settling disputes, the decision by Colby   this sale assume any liability, legal or otherwise,
        that at the time of inspection the horse was   Gines is fi nal. Soundness does not guarantee   for accidents to persons or property, before,
        sound unless other announcements are made   pass of a check by your vet following the sale.   during, or after the sale. Colby & Codi Gines,
        at the time of sale from the auction block. Th is   We highly recommend you going to ride and   Diamonds in the Desert Performance Horse
        soundness guarantee is between buyer and seller   visit the horse giving you confi dence you need   Sale Committee, MM Auction Services,
        only and does not include any other persons.   to bid come sale day. Make sure you do your   LLC; its principals, directors, offi  cers, agents,
        Each horse sold at Diamonds in the Desert   homework and shop the horses extensively.   employees and volunteers, and each and every
        Performance Horse Sale is guaranteed sound   Ask questions about disposition, manners,   landowner, municipal and/or government
        by the consignor. Unless otherwise stated,   attitudes, faults, riding ability comparisons, etc.   agency upon whose property this activity
        all horses will be sold sound until Saturday   Take advantage of the previews and pre-inspect   is conducted, shall not be liable for injuries
        following the sale by noon. If the buyer feels   horses prior to purchasing. Once you bid on a   sustained by anyone attending the Diamonds
        the horse is not considered sound, the buyer has   horse, you are indicating you have done your   in the Desert Performance Horse Sale. MM
        until December 15th @ noon to have Colby   homework enough to satisfy yourself and no   Auction Services, LLC & its associates act as
        Gines and/or his agent inspect the horse in Las   one else is responsible. Th  e consignor of each   agents only and are not responsible for buyer/
        Vegas. Colby Gines will make the fi nal decision   animal represents and warrants to the buyer and   seller error or misunderstanding. All guarantees
        as to soundness of the horse. If the horse is   Diamonds in the Desert Performance Horse   are strictly between the buyer and seller.
        considered unsound, the buyer will be returned   Sale to include but not limited to the following:   Original Papers must be provided by the seller
        his purchase price less fees. Each consignor                              to MM Auction Services, LLC in order for any
        will be totally responsible for guarantees they   •  Title of the animal, free from all claims of   horse to be sold as a registered horse. In further
        make on their animals and guarantees will be   ownership                  consideration of this consignment, I agree to
        made only from the auction block while the   •  Sound of limb, eyes, and wind  indemnify and defend MM Auction Services,
        animal is being sold. Absolutely no guarantee   •  Not a cribber or wind sucker  LLC, Colby & Codi Gines, their agents and
        or warranty will be expressed or implied by                               associates, from all injury, loss of equipment,
        the auctioneers or ringmen. Eff ort has been   11.  Stalls fol low  ing the sale:   loss of animal or damages to myself, my animals
                                             All horses can stay in their current stall for
        made to insure correctness of the catalog and                             or damages or injury to others lien property
                                             the night following the sale at a rate of $50/
        all printed material. However, employees and                              from my animals, by entering this horse
        auctioneers will not assume responsibility for   stall. Th  ey must be checked out by noon the   sale in Las Vegas, Nevada. Th e undersigned
                                             following day. If you want a stall for longer,
        errors or omissions, but appreciate having them                           by executing this instrument delivers said
        called to their attention. Announcements in the   check with management to make arrangements.   property to MM Auction Services, LLC and
        ring take precedence over printed information,   12.  Loading ou t:       declares themselves owner or legal agent and
        pay close attention to the announcements. Shall                           authorizes the sale thereof at public auction for
                                             Buyers must have a release from the offi  ce for
        any soundness disputes arise, Colby Gines and/  all load outs. Brand inspector and veterinarian   his/her account according to its usual custom
        or his agent will be the sole deciding judge. In                          and represents the consignment is clear of all
                                             will be on sight sale day for all proper
        the event it is determined that the defect was                            encumbrances unless listed above and may be
        present at the time of sale and not announced,                            legally sold.
        the sale of said horse shall be null and void

                               By purchasing a horse at Diamonds in the Desert Performance Horse Sale,
                          I verify that I have read the above information and hereby agree to be bound by them.
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