Page 32 - Croissant Red Angus Range-Ready Bull Sale – March 28, 2020
P. 32


                                           CATALOG INFORMATION:

            All EPDs, including carcass, have been updated to      of each EPD is adjusted by a constant which does not
            reflect the latest performance data including ultrasound   change the sensitivity, but moves its average away from

            and DNA Genomic Panels. Percentile rankings are        zero. Red Angus EPDs are multi-breed and calculated
            listed below the EPD table. The measurement data with   by the BOLT system. The breeds involved are all on
            their in-herd performance ratios are listed in a table just   the same base and can be directly compared. The
            to the right of the pedigree. Scrotal measurements will   percentile ranking we publish represents the rank of the
            be on a supplement sheet available sale day and posted   individual in the Red Angus Breed. A 50% percentile
            on our website as soon as they are completed.          rank is the average for the breed.

            We present all the data on all the bulls to make your      To compare two bulls, take the difference of their
            selection easier and more complete! We are available to   Weaning Weight EPDs to see the expected differences
            help you interpret any information in this catalog, give   in their progeny. An example would be: bull 1 with a
            us a call or stop by. Sale day announcements will take   WW of 75 and bull 2 with a WW of 55, bull 1 would
            precedence over the catalog information.               produce, on average, a calf crop with a 20 pound higher
                                                                   weaning weight. This simple example shows how the
            EPDs: Before reading the following defi nitions, one
            must come to terms with what is called base. The range   comparison could be applied for each of the traits.

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