Page 33 - Croissant Red Angus Range-Ready Bull Sale – March 28, 2020
P. 33


                                                EPD DEFINITIONS

        HB – HerdBuilder is an index that predicts profi t       Milk – Milk is the weaning weight differences, in pounds,
            differences between animals based on dollars per       attributed to milking ability of the animal’s daughters.
            mating. This index is designed from ranch all the   HPG – Heifer Pregnancy is the probable difference,
            way through a fed calf marketed on a carcass basis     expressed as a percentage, of their heifer calves calving
            and assumes the ranch retains all calves including     at two years of age.
            replacement heifers.
                                                                CEM – Calving Ease Maternal is the probability differences,
        GM – GridMaster is an index that predicts profi t difference   expressed as a percentage, between animals that their
            between animals based on dollars per mating. This      daughters calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers.
            index is designed to market all the calves born on ranch
            through a carcass-based system.                     STAY – Stayability is the probability differences, expressed
                                                                   as a percentage, between animals that their daughters
        CED – Calving Ease Direct is the probability difference    will stay in the herd through 6 years of age and calve
            expressed as a percentage, between their offspring born   successfully each year.
            unassisted when mated to yearling replacement females
            to calve at two years of age. IT IS NOT PREDICTIVE   Marb – Marbling is the difference between animals’
            FOR COWS!                                              offspring in percent intramuscular fat at the 13th rib,
                                                                   based on a standard marbling score.
        BW – Birth Weight is the birth weight differences, in
            pounds, between animals’ offspring.                 YG – Yield Grade the difference between animals’ offspring
                                                                   in yield grade of a carcass, expressed in the same units
        WW – Weaning Weight is the 205-day weight differences, in   as the USDA Yield Grade Formula which assigns yield
            pounds, between animals’ offspring.
                                                                   grades to carcasses.
        YW – Yearling Weight is the 365-day weight differences, in   CW – Carcass Weight is the difference between animals’
            pounds, between animals’ offspring.
                                                                   offspring carcass weight expressed on a pound basis.
        ADG – Average Daily Gain is the weight gain difference,   REA – Ribeye Area is the difference between animals’
            in pounds per day between 205 and 365 days of age,     offspring in ribeye area at the 13th rib, expressed as
            between animals’ offspring.
                                                                   square inches.
        DMI – Dry Matter Intake is the difference in intake per
            day, expressed in pounds per day, between animals’

                                Kevin                                              Serving Dinner
        All bulls PAP tested.                                                                                     31
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