Page 8 - Diamond C North Dakota Annual Red Angus Bull and Female Sale – April 4, 2020
P. 8

Red Angus Bulls

                                                            Lot 3

            3 3    DCND DESTINATION 934

                      Birth Date:   Category:   BW:   WW:   YW:  934 is an attractive, deep cherry red colored bull that everyone
         #4218330    2/20/19    1A 100%      92   849  1261    can appreciate. If you like them with a flat top, high wean weight
        RED NL GAF CRUSH 16B       RED NORTHLINE CRUSH 59R     and tree timbers for legs with perfect hooves, look no further.
                                   RED NORTHLINE PORSCHE 16Z   934 is backed by a supurior uddered 6.7+ frame cow out of the
                                   RED CORNER CREEK DESTINED 73
        CORNER CREEK CHEROKEE 188                              Corner Creek program.
                                   RED SODER MS MR BEEF 8007U
          HB  GM CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
         147  46  8  1.5  50  77  0.17 0.77  24  -12  8  3  16  0.21 0.12  10 -0.24  0.01
         83%  87%  96%  95%  83%  84%  83%   13%  42%  1%  94%  97%  47%  92%   63%  87%  96%  29%

                                                                                           Red NL GAF Crush 16B-2
                                                                                                  Sire of Lot 1

        6                                                                                  Diamond C North Dakota
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