Page 3 - Diamond C North Dakota Annual Red Angus Bull and Female Sale – April 4, 2020
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Sale Information
Diamond C North Dakota
Annual Production Sale
Saturday, April 4, 2020
1 p.m. CDT • Kist Livestock Auction Co.
1715 40th Ave SE • PO Box 1313 • Mandan, ND 58554
Selling: Semen Interest Delivery & Feeding
27 Red Angus Yearling Bulls Diamond C ND will retain a one-third Free delivery in North Dakota or up
14 Red Angus Open Heifers semen interest in all bulls sold. to 300 miles on bulls. We will try and
accommodate in any way we can
Sale Day Phones Herd Health to get your bull to you. Delivery on
Chase Furstenau ............701-520-9896 All cattle are on a complete heifers is at buyers cost. Bulls will be
Kist Livestock ...................701-663-9573 vaccination program supervised by delivered during the month of April
Dakota Animal Clinic. and before May 1. A $3 a day per
Lunch They have been given Anthrax and head yardage fee will be charged
Complimentary lunch will be served Vision 7 20/20 in the spring and after May 1.
before sale. Virashield 6, Nuplura, and Ultrabac 7
Somubac in the fall.
Auctioneer Injury or death prior to
Dustin Carter ...................712-898-9972 Breeding Guarantee
Bulls and heifers are guaranteed delivery
Ring Staff/ Representatives breeders for the first season of Injury resulting in death, or death
Donnie Leddy .................605-695-0113 breeding. Breeding seasons are of the bull prior to delivery, will not
Cattle Business Weekly defined as the 90-day period be the responsibility of Diamond C
Andrew Swanson ............507-829-4133 following first turnout of bull. Scrotal ND. This is an insurable risk that the
Farm and Ranch Guide measurements will be available purchaser can obtain.
Online Bidding on sale day. All bulls will be semen Insurance
tested before delivery. In the event you are unsatisfied in the breeding Insurance will be available sale day.
performance of your purchase a
replacement will be provided, or Catalog & Promotion
if buyer prefers, credit towards the Cow Camp Promotions,
The sale will be broadcast live on purchase of a bull the following Tracey Koester ...............701-391-5440 See page 2 for year. Animal must be returned to
information on registering as a seller in good state of health. In thee Catalog Printed By:
bidder before the sale. event the animal dies, they will not United Printing, Bismarck, ND
Videos be covered by the guarantee.
Videos will be available on and our website,
Sale Order
Cattle will sell in catalog order.
Cattle Viewing Chase and Tiffany Furstenau
You are welcome to view the cattle 13995 99th St NE • Cavalier, ND 58220
at any time, Cattle will be held at the
ranch until April 1st. Ranch address is 701-265-3136 • 701-520-0671 (c)
10027 130th Ave NE, Walhalla, ND.
Diamond C North Dakota 1