Page 3 - Hoyt's Angus Annual Bull Production Sale – May 20, 2020
P. 3
33rd Annual Production Sale
Wednesday, May 20, 2020 • 6 p.m. CDT
At Hoyt’s Angus Ranch • McHenry, ND
(3.5 miles North of McHenry, ND, on Hwy 20, 2 miles East, 0.5 miles North)
Sale Day Phones: Delivery:
(701) 785-2425 • (701) 797-7280 • (701) 789-9950 We will deliver bulls for free within 300 miles for 15 days fol-
lowing the sale. If you request us to keep the bulls longer than
Auctioneer: 15 days, delivery arrangements will be made on an individual
Roger Jacobs ......................... (406) 373-7385, (406) 373-6124
basis to accommodate our time schedule. Liability for death or
Livestock Representatives: injury of the bull will remain with the buyers.
Kirby Goettsch, Farm & Ranch Guide ................ (605) 380-3939 Hoyt’s Angus Guarantee:
Vern Frey, Frey Livestock Sales & Service ............ (701) 721-0344
All bulls selling over $3,000 or more are guaranteed for the
Complimentary Supper fi rst-year breeding season against injury. He will be covered
with a 50% guarantee and the salvage value will be split
50/50. For example for a $3,000, $1,500 is covered by Hoyts
GENERAL SALE INFORMATION and $1,500 is covered by the purchaser. Any salavage value
will be shared half by Hoyts and half by purchaser. Breed-
Buyers Unable to Attend This Sale: ing season is defi ned as 75 days after exposure. All claims
Mailed or telephone bids will be handled in the most confi den- for adjustment must be made by Oct. 1, 2020. The difference
tial manner. You may contact any of the owners or livestock between salvage value and purchase price will be given in the
representatives. form of a replacement bull of equal value if available, or credit
Live Broadcast: toward a purchase in future sales. All claims must be inspected
The sale will be broadcast live over the internet. See directions by a licesnsed veterinarian verifying tag numbers. Not respon-
to register to bid on page 3. sible for death or neglect. This is not a mortality coverage as
that is up to the buyer to insure his purchase at his discretion.
Terms and Conditions:
This sale will be conducted according to the American Angus
Online Catalog: Association Sale Terms & Conditions found online at: and
Registration Certifi cates: Cattle Videography:
Certifi cates will be provided to buyers upon request on sale day. Branded Image & Promotion .......................... 701-307-0134
Feeding Arrangements:
Bulls can be fed for $2.50/day if left at the ranch longer than Catalog:
10 days following the sale. Liability for death or injury of the Cow Camp Promotions, Tracey Koester ............701-475-2736
bull will remain with the buyer during the feeding period. Printed by United Printing, Bismarck, ND ........701-223-0505
View videos of sale bulls at
Hoyt’s Angus Ranch 1