Page 23 - Red Hill Farms – Oct. 31, 2020 Red Angus & SimGenetics Bulls and Females
P. 23

SimGenetic Yearling Bulls                 Red Hill Farms – Fall 2020
                                                  CDI VERDICT 220Y
        29    REDHILL 407C 272E 238G         CDI SECRET AGENT 407C
               REG. #   BREED                     CDI MS BEEF KING 43A
                                                  WS ALL ABOARD B80
        BULL  3666892   PB SM                REDHILL ABOARD 148Y 272E
        OPENING BID: $3,500  BD: 9/11/19  RED/PP  REDHILL S7206 ML133 148Y
              CE   BW  WW   YW   MCE  MILK  MWW  STAY  DOC  YG  MARB  REA
        EPDs   13.5  -0.7  86.8  124.4 7.6  30.2 73.5  19.1  16.7  -0.44  0.51   1.02
        SM %  15%  15%  15%  25%  20%  10%  5%  20%  3%  60%   1%    20%
         API Index   171.1 1%   BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         TI Index   98.3  1%    80   111 117 109   99   112   34.5   5+
         Dam’s Info   YOB  WEIGHT  BCS   BR   WR   YR
                  2017   966   4   1/111  1/117  1/109
            Finding red Simmental bulls that excel for the combination of calving ease, growth, and carcass traits has been diffi cult.
        238G is one that excels in all 3 categories, and he is also phenotypically superior. We are thankful to C Diamond Simmen-
        tal (ND) for allowing us to sample 407C, a true calving ease red purebred bull!

                                                  WS ALL ABOARD B80
        30    REDHILL 25E 254E 227G          REDHILL ALLABRD 5A 25E
               REG. #   BREED                     REDHILL 36X 14Y 5A
        BULL  3666895   5/8 SM 3/16 AR 1/8 AN 1/16 HP  REDHILL MUSKOKA 71C
        OPENING BID: $2,750  BD: 9/8/19  RED/PLD  REDHILL 71C 286C 254E
                                                  REDHILL 159A 257Z 286C
              CE   BW  WW   YW   MCE  MILK  MWW  STAY  DOC  YG  MARB  REA
        EPDs   8.5   0.5  82.9  129.7 4.6  23.1 64.5  11.9  17.0  -0.30  0.45   0.73
        SM %  90%  55%  15%  15%  85%  50%  25%  85%  4%  35%  25%   40%
         API Index   133.0 40%   BW   BWR   WWR  YWR   %IMF   REA   SC   FRAME
         TI Index   86.6  10%  83  114  95  97  101  88  33.0  4+
         Dam’s Info   YOB  WEIGHT  BCS   BR   WR   YR
                  2017   1045   4   1/114  1/95   1/97
            227G is a very dense, thick-made bull that should be ideal for crossing on larger frame cows that need extra thickness.
        25E and 71C are 2 outstanding red Sim bulls that excelled in the Red Hill program and sold into seedstock herds.

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