Page 27 - Red Hill Farms – Oct. 31, 2020 Red Angus & SimGenetics Bulls and Females
P. 27

Red Angus Bred Heifers                    Red Hill Farms – Fall 2020
                Red Hill Red Angus Bred Heifers

        36    REDHILL 291D 31D 130G          REDHILL TAKE EASY 291D
                                                  REDHILL 9943W TAKEOVER 225B
               REG. #   CATEGORY                  CCCH T189 AMBER 204X
        HEIFER 4103826  1A  100%                  5L HOBO DESIGN 273-7047
        OPENING BID: $2,800      BD: 2/8/19  REDHILL 7047 182W 31D
                                                  REDHILL 126T 287 182W
             CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM   STAY   MARB   YG   REA
        EPDs  13  -2.7  69  106  28    7   14   8    16  0.60  0.25  -0.09
        AR %  39%  31%  15%  24%  21%  92%  8%  35%  47%  12%  99%   78%
         HerdBuilder  88  31%   ProS   134  22%  BWR   WWR   YWR  D-MPPA
         GridMaster   46  32%             103   109  109  103.0
         Service Info   AI Date   AI Sire   Natural Service   Natural Sire Dates   Est. Calving Date
                      4/10/20   32E     377E    4/16/20 - 9/15/20   1/16/21
            Very balanced daughter of the 31D cow that sells as Lot 74 – excellent balanced trait heifer that could make a good herd
        foundation cow.

                                                  REDHILL TEN X 104U 190A
        37    REDHILL 49D LANA 451F          RHF-RHR 190A TENX 49D
               REG. #   CATEGORY                  REDHILL 151Y AMBER 134B
        HEIFER 4103946  1A  100%                  RED HILL B571 JULIAN 84S
        OPENING BID: $2,800      BD: 12/9/18  REDHILL 84S LANA 156Z
                                                  REDHILL 84S LANA 23W
             CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM   STAY   MARB   YG   REA
        EPDs  14   -3.1   54   91   28   -2   9   8   17   0.60  0.11   -0.04
        AR %  23%  24%  73%  58%  20%  29%  82%  27%  35%  12%  58%  69%
         HerdBuilder  84  39%   ProS   154  5%  BWR   WWR   YWR  D-MPPA
         GridMaster   69  4%              92    86   87   94.0
         Service Info   AI Date   AI Sire   Natural Service   Natural Sire Dates   Est. Calving Date
                      4/10/20   E608    377E    4/16/20 - 9/15/20   1/16/21
            Superior balanced trait female – ranks in Top 5% of breed for new ProS Index and Top 4% for the new GM Index. Note
        that she scanned 7.14% IMF.

                                                  REDHILL 9943W TAKEOVER 225B
        38    REDHILL 291D INDIGO 158G       REDHILL TAKE EASY 291D
               REG. #   CATEGORY                  CCCH T189 AMBER 204X
        HEIFER 4103836  1A  100%                  REDHILL T189 MEDAL 176A
        OPENING BID: $2,800      BD: 3/4/19  REDHILL 176A INDIGO 34D
                                                  BECKTON INDIGO X072 N
             CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM   STAY   MARB   YG   REA
        EPDs  13  -4.4  61  90   28   -1   14   6    18  0.68  0.26  -0.10
        AR %  40%  9%  43%  60%  18%  36%  11%  63%  20%  5%   99%   80%
         HerdBuilder  98  12%   ProS   141  15%  BWR   WWR   YWR  D-MPPA
         GridMaster   42  40%             103   103  105  100.0
         Service Info   AI Date   AI Sire   Natural Service   Natural Sire Dates   Est. Calving Date
                      4/10/20   32E     377E    4/16/20 - 9/15/20   1/16/21
            158G has a pedigree stacked for maternal excellence, and she ranks in the Top 12% of the breed for the new HB Index
        and Top 15% for the All Purpose (ProS) Index. 204X and X072 have both been donors at Red Hill.
                                                       Red Hill Farms – 25
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