Page 36 - Diamonds in the Desert Premier Horse Sale – Ft. Worth – Dec. 5, 2020
P. 36
Premier Hor se Sale
2015 Bay Appaloosa with white blanket #T-54415
Gelding 13.3 HH 900 lbs.
We have affectionately named this sweet little gelding Apple-
sauce and boy does he fi t that name to a T! He is absolutely
ADORABLE, and he sure knows it! He is registered with the
Ponies of the Americas Club and he stands right at 13.3 hands
tall. Applesauce sure doesn’t know he’s a smaller horse because he, with-
out a doubt, has THE biggest heart of any horse on the ranch! He never
balks at a challenge and is always the same chipper little gelding waiting
for you at the gate! He adores little kids and will stand patiently, not matter
how long it takes, for them to climb their way up his side and into the
saddle. Applesauce would make the perfect mount for absolutely ANYONE!
He is small enough to be a confi dence booster for a short stirrup rider,
but he is stout and fancy enough to tote around an adult in style! We have
used him in every corner of the ranch as well as helped him fi ne tune his
reining and basic maneuvers in the arena. He has the cutest jog, one that
you could sit all day long and has the ever-popular rocking chair lope that
would have you winning every egg and spoon competition you entered!
He has such a loving personality and is always peeking over the fence to
see what you are up to. This little gelding has no idea what “hard to catch’
means, because he follows you around like a spoiled ranch cat looking
for their daily scoop of Ole Roy. Applesauce has been ridden both English
and Western, with Western being his main forte with us. He loves to play
with our over-sized soccer ball any chance he gets and craves working the
calves in the arena. He can sure watch a cow for you! His resume is as
diverse as you could ever ask for in a horse his age; he has done it all and
gotten the t-shirt! As with all of our horses, he has taken his ranch duties
very seriously. He has drug all sorts of calves at branding, will hold his
own doctoring a young bull, and is eager to track down a runaway heifer
needing doctored. Crawl on him and lope away from the pack with zero
issues because he is ready to go see some country! He is a true steady
Eddy and is happy to be out and about regardless of what the job may
be. Applesauce has been utilized both in the arena and outside and is truly
worth his weight in gold! He is a dream to ride in the arena and his gaits
are reminiscent of a pleasure horse; so smooth and even. Having that sup-
pleness and versatility in the arena has helped prepare him to be profi cient
and maneuverable in the high intensity situations that come with certain
duties on the ranch. He is always Mr. Cool Calm and Collected! Applesauce
will be extremely diffi cult to ever replace, but we know he needs to fi nd
himself the perfect kid to pack around and it wouldn’t be fair of us to keep
him hidden in the Sandhills! We are more than happy to let any prospec-
tive families come and take him for a spin, but be forewarned, you won’t
want to leave him! You couldn’t ask for a more perfect, handsome little
gelding to add to your family! For more information call 308-262-5020.
Bridger and Tess Chytka
Dunes Horsemanship • 308-262-5020