Page 13 - Zimmerman Ranch Gelbvieh & Balancer Bull Production Sale – Jan. 23, 2021
P. 13
Zimmerman Ranch
Zimmerman Ranch BULLS
Watch for the GeneSeek GGP LD logo, signifying the bull has been
DNA tested and his EPDs are genomically enhanced, increasing the
accuracy of the EPD values.
DNA testing also verifi es parentage and tests for homozygous black and homozygous polled traits.
Genomic-Enhanced EPDs Add Reliability Reducing Risk
(Source: EPD estimates on an animal increase in accuracy over time
as observations on an animal’s own performance and that of
its descendants are added to the calculation. It follows that
The Gelbvieh/Balancer specifi c panel of DNA markers is EPDs on young animals with very little accuracy have the
used to develop genomic-enhanced EPDs (GE EPDs). The possibility to change a great deal over time. GE EPDs help
combination of database information and genomic data to reduce the amount of error between the difference in an
results in EPDs that roll the accuracy of a DNA test and the animal’s true genetic merit and its predicted genetic merit.
information of individual, pedigree and progeny perfor- Confi dence in an animal’s EPDs earlier in life means that pro-
mance into one, easy-to-use number. ducers can more reliably predict the performance outcomes
of using unproven animals in their breeding herd.
Using GE EPDs can help your operation in three ways:
1. Increasing accuracy Increasing rate of genetic change
2. Reducing risk by reducing possible change In the rate of genetic change, GE EPDs affect accuracy of
3. Increasing rate of genetic change selection and generation interval. DNA information can be
collected at birth or soon after and added to an animal’s
Increasing accuracy EPD calculation, which gives producers a better idea about
On young animals without individual or progeny perfor- that animal’s genetic merit at a younger age. Using genom-
mance records, genetic merit is estimated in the form of ic-enhanced information as a culling tool can help breeders
an EPD calculated by taking the average breeding value decrease the generation interval in their herds, thereby
of its parents – a low accuracy calculation. The addition of speeding the rate of genetic change. This is a benefi t to
genomic data to an EPD is comparable to adding progeny producers because it will allow more progress in their breed-
or pedigree records. ing goals in a shorter amount of time.
Zimmerman Production Sale 11