Page 13 - TNT Simmental Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 12, 2021 - Black Sim - Red Sim - Red Angus
P. 13

LOT 16             H412 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - PB Simmental - ASA# 3794549
                          Ǥ  Ǥ     ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ          Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ     Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲͳȀʹͲ      ͹Ͷ         ͹͸ʹ        Ȁ          ͶǤͲʹ        ͵Ǥ͸ʹ       ͳͶͲͷ        ͳͲͺͲ        ͵Ͷ
           SIRE: GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE                                                                ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT A64 - MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 - TNT S17 - TNT                       ͳͷʹǤ͵  ͲǤ͵͸       ʹͷǤͶ  ͹ʹǤͶ

           FIVE STAR P275 - TNT L9 - JF NEW DIMENSION 903J          ͳ͵Ǥͺ  ͳͷǤ͹  ͷͶ   ͲǤ͵͸ ǦͲǤͲͺͳ  ͳǤ͵ʹ  ͳͷͲǤͷ  ͻ͸Ǥʹ
           Here is a deep sided, stout made bull. His sire is a very docile PB that we own with Select Sires and a group of breeders. They expect him to be
           a very high demand sire due to his CE, high growth, carcass traits, and high maternal predictions. His dam has been a top producer for us. She
           has a WW ratio of 106. She is an ET daughter of Upgrade and our S17 donor. We have 3 full sisters and they are all excellent. She had a high
           performance son in last year’s sale going to Hunter Schell.
           LOT 17             H419 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - PB Simmental - ASA# 3794556
                          Ǥ  Ǥ     ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ          Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ     Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲͶȀʹͲ      ͻ͸         ͺͳ͹        ͳͳͳ        ͵Ǥ͹Ͷ        ͵ǤͷͶ       ͳͶͳͷ        ͳͲ͹Ͳ        ͵Ͷ
           SIRE: GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE                                                                ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT E134 - TNT BCR UNIFIED B203 - TNT C082 - JF                 ͺͻǤͶ  ͳ͵͸Ǥͻ  ͲǤ͵       ʹͲǤͺ  ͸ͷǤͷ

           SIGNATURE 3268A - TNT Y7 - MR NLC SUPERIOR S6018         ͳ͸Ǥ͸  ͳ͵    ͶͶǤ͵  ͲǤ͵Ͳ ǦͲǤͲʹͺ  ͲǤ͹ͷ  ͳͶͷǤʹ  ͺͺǤʹ
           This is a long bodied, deep sided, high performance bull with one of our highest for WW. His sire has the rare ability to be heifer safe, while
           enhancing growth, with very high maternal and carcass predictions. His dam is a very attractive made, easy keeper out of TNT Unified, our high
           seller in 2015. The Unified daughters are some of our fanciest, easy keeping cows, with ideal udders. This is a nicely balanced mating, tying it
           all together.
                                   BLACK 3/4 SIMMENTAL 1/4 ANGUS BULLS
           LOT 18          H505 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3788288
                          Ǥ  Ǥ     ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ          Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ     Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͲ͸ȀʹͲ      ͹Ͷ         ͹ͷͷ        ͳͲͶ        ͵Ǥͺͺ        ͵Ǥ͵͵       ͳ͵͹͸        ͳͲͺͷ        ͵ͷ
           SIRE: GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE                                                                ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F556 - TNT BCR UNIFIED B203 - TNT Z22 - TNT                 ͹͸Ǥͻ  ͳͳ͸ǤͶ  ͲǤʹͷ       ʹʹǤͶ  ͸ͲǤͻ

           TUITION U238 - TNT S177 - B/R NEW FRONTIER 095           ͳͷǤͳ  ͻǤͺ   ʹͲǤͶ  ͲǤ͵ͳ ǦͲǤͲͳͶ  ͲǤͷʹ  ͳͶ͵Ǥ͵  ͺ͵Ǥͷ
           Here is a stylish made bull that is really put together well with added CE, ratioing 87 for BW. He has EPD’s in the top 5% for BW, 10% for CE and MCE, and
           25% for API and TI. His sire, Broad Range has in impeccable set of EPD’s, with 15 of his 18 EPD in the top 25% or higher. His dam is a beautiful, ideal
           uddered 1st calf heifer, whose daughters are consistently easy keeping with superior udder quality, and the cow family continues to a picture-perfect Tuition
           daughter with a 365-day calving interval. This guy is real calving ease while ratioing 4% above average for WW. Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 19          H509 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3788292
                          Ǥ  Ǥ     ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ          Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ     Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͲͺȀʹͲ      ͺͺ         ͹Ͷͺ        ͳͲ͵        ͶǤͲͶ        ͵Ǥ͵ʹ       ͳ͵ͻͷ        ͳͲͻͲ        ͵͹
           SIRE: GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE                                                                ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F583 - TNT DEFIANT C237 - TNT D252 - LRS        ͳ͵Ǥ͸  ͲǤͶ   ͹ͻǤͷ  ͳʹ͹Ǥͳ  ͲǤ͵  ͺǤͻ  ʹ͵Ǥ͹  ͸͵ǤͶ

           UNLIMITED 752A - TNT S17 - TNT FIVE STAR P275                        ͶʹǤͻ  ͲǤ͵Ͷ ǦͲǤͲ͵ͺ       ͳͷͲǤͷ  ͺͳǤͻ
           This is a long bodied, strong topped, heavy muscled bull with a solid set of EPD’s, with CE, WW, YW, ADG, MCE, MWW, Stay, CW, REA, API and TI all
           35% or above. His sire has one of the most competitive EPD profiles in the breed, already a 4-way trait leader for CE, WW, YW and ADG, showing his ability
           to calve easy and add the pounds. Lot 19’s 1st dam is a 1st calf heifer sired by TNT Defiant, an extremely easy calving Connealy Capitalist son, with a
           beautiful made S17 x Unlimited ET daughter as her dam. He should sire calving ease with added growth. Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 20          H322 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3794456
                          Ǥ  Ǥ     ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ          Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ     Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͲȀʹͲ      ͺͲ         ͺ͵ͺ        ͳͳ͵        ͶǤͶ͹        ͵Ǥ͹ͷ       ͳͷͷͶ        ͳʹͲͷ        ͵͸
           SIRE: TNT UNION D385                                                                         ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F191 - S D S NIGHTRIDE 611D - TNT D253 - MR NLC              ͻʹǤͷ  ͳͶͷǤ͵  ͲǤ͵͵            ͹ͳǤ͵

           AVENUE 3088A - TNT S17 - TNT FIVE STAR P275              ͳ͸Ǥ͹  ͻǤ͸   ͶͶǤͷ  ͲǤ͵͹ ǦͲǤͲͷͲ  ͲǤͺ  ͳͶͻǤ͸  ͻͲǤ͹
           Here is a stylish, thick, deep bodied bull that was our 10th high for WW and one of our top for YW adjust. His sire was our high seller in 2017.
           He is in the top 1% for WW, YW, and ADG with top 10% MWW. His first daughters calved this spring and are top producers. His dam was
           our #1 WW heifer. Her sire was the high seller at SDSU sale. She ranks in the top 3% for milk and MWW. The grandam is a daughter of our
           S17 donor. This is a very high maternal line. • Facebook/tntsimmentalranch           View video of every bull on our website or Facebook! – 11
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