Page 14 - TNT Simmental Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 12, 2021 - Black Sim - Red Sim - Red Angus
P. 14

LOT 21          H326 - Homo Polled - Hetero Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3794460
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͳȀʹͲ      ͹͸         ͺͲ͵       ͳͲͻ         ͵ǤͺͲ        ͵ǤͶ͸       ͳͶͳͳ        ͳͳͳͲ        ͵ͶǤͷ
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F124 - RYMO POWER SURGE G39D - TNT C090 - TNT                    ͳͳͺǤʹ  ͲǤʹ͹       ʹ͹Ǥʹ  ͸ͶǤ͹

           BULLET PROOF X240 - TNT X43 - TNTS BIG LEAGUE R242       ͳͺǤ͵  ͳͳǤ͹  ʹͷǤʹ  ͲǤ͵ͻ ǦͲǤͲͺͳ  ͲǤ͹͵  ͳͶ͸Ǥͺ  ͺʹǤ͸
           This bull is long and thick made. He is our only black Imperial son and he is a good one. His sire ranks in the top 1% for CE, BW, marbling,
           SHR and API and the top 3% for MCE, STAY, and Docility. His dam was our 5th high WW heifer. Her sire was the high seller at the Bull of
           the Big Sky that we own with ABS. He is a huge growth sire and her dam is a broody made, very docile, top producer. She has a WW ratio of
           109 and her daughters are some of the best. This mating has a lot to offer.
           LOT 22          H351 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3794487
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͷȀʹͲ      ͹ͺ         ͹ͷͺ       ͳͲ͵         ͵Ǥ͵ͺ        ͵Ǥͳ͸       ͳʹͻͻ        ͳͲͳͲ        ͵͵
           SIRE: TJ TEARDROP 783F                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F172 - TNT UNION D385 - TNT Z124 - TNT TUITION              ͹ͺǤ͵  ͳͳͻǤ͵  ͲǤʹ͸       ͵ͲǤ͵  ͸ͻǤͶ

           U238 - TNT L9 - JF NEW DIMENSION 903J                    ͳͻǤͶ  ͻǤʹ   ͵Ͳ   ͲǤͳͳ ǦͲǤͲ͸ͷ  ͲǤͷͶ  ͳͶͳǤͺ  ͺͲǤ͵
           Here is a deep bodied, very attractive son of TJ Teardrop. He is a deceased sire whose semen is in high demand that was a sale feature for
           Triangle J in 2019. He is a top 1% sire for milk and MWW and is a CE and WW trait leader. His dam is a daughter of TNT Union who is a
           huge growth sire. Unions 1st daughters calved this spring and are exceptional. Here is a bull with CE potential, high maternal and still above
           average growth EPD's.
           LOT 23          H533 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3788316
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵Ȁͳ͸ȀʹͲ      ͳͲͲ        ͹͹͹       ͳͲ͹         ͵Ǥ͹͸        ͵ǤͶͻ       ͳ͵͹ͺ        ͳͳʹͷ        ͵͹
           SIRE: TNT CONVERGENCE F380                                                                   ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT B147 - MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 - TNT S17 - TNT                ͻ͸Ǥ͸  ͳͶͳǤʹ  ͲǤʹͺ       ʹ͵Ǥͺ  ͹ʹǤͳ

           FIVE STAR P275 - TNT L9 - JF NEW DIMENSION 903J          ͳ͸ǤͶ  ͳͳǤ͸  Ͷ͸Ǥͺ  ͲǤͲͻ ǦͲǤͲ͹ͻ  ͳǤͲʹ  ͳʹͶǤͷ  ͺ͵Ǥʹ
           Here is a long bodied, powerful made bull that ratioed 107 for WW, with EPD’s in the top 15% or higher for WW, YW, MWW, CW, YG, BF and REA. His
           sire is a TNT Union son that was one of the high sellers in our 2019 sale out of a tremendous Bismarck daughter that has a 103 WW and 107 YW ratio on her
           7 calves. His calves just stand out in the pasture, with great uniformity and eye appeal. Lot 23’s dam is an ideal made ET daughter of our great L9 donor and
           NCL Upgrade, that has a 363-day calving interval and a 100 WW and 103 YW ratio on her 5 calves. Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 24       H542 - Homo Polled - Homo Black Blaze - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3788326
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͻȀʹͲ      ͻͺ         ͹͹ͳ       ͳͲ͸         ͶǤ͵ͳ        ͵Ǥ͸͹       ͳͶ͸Ͳ        ͳͳ͸ͷ        ͵͸Ǥͷ
           SIRE: TJ TEARDROP 783F                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: HSR C806 - TJ POWER GRID 363Y - HSR T883 - BROOKS              ͻ͵Ǥͳ  ͳͶͲǤ͹  ͲǤ͵        ͵͵Ǥʹ  ͹ͻǤ͹

           ABOVE PAR - HSR P157 - TNT TUNDRA K272                   ͳ͹Ǥͻ  ͳͺǤʹ  ͷʹǤͶ  ǦͲǤͲʹ ǦͲǤͲ͹ͷ  ͳǤͲͻ  ͳʹʹǤͷ  ͺͲǤ͵
           This bull is a black baldy that brings power, thickness and has been a standout since day one, demanding your attention in the pasture all summer long. He
           weaned off heavy and has an excellent set of EPD’s to go with his growth, in the top 5% or higher for WW, Milk, MWW, Doc, CW, REA and WW, YG,
           ADG, BF and Stay in the top 25% or higher. His dam is exceptional, with a 112 WW and 105 YW ratio and has settled AI every year. Her 3 daughters are
           some of our absolute favorites: beautiful, stylish made with perfect udders and her daughter weaned our top WW heifer this year. This black blaze bull brings
           some chrome to an excellent maternal cow family! Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 25          H377 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus - ASA# 3794514
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀʹͳȀʹͲ      ͺͲ         ͹ͻͲ       ͳͲ͹         ͶǤ͸Ͳ        ͵Ǥ͹ͻ       ͳͷʹ͸        ͳͳ͹ͷ        ͵Ͷ
           SIRE: GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE                                                                ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT E176 - TNT BCR UNIFIED B203 - TNT A93 - MR NLC              ͻ͵Ǥͻ  ͳͶͶǤͶ  ͲǤ͵ʹ            ͸ͻǤͻ

           COMPLETE X0080 - TNT S32 - S A V 004 DENSITY 4336        ͳ͵Ǥͷ  ͳʹǤͶ  Ͷ͸Ǥ͹  ͲǤͳ͸  ǦͲǤͲͶ͸  ͳ  ͳ͵ͳǤͷ  ͺ͸
           This bull is very stylish and deep bodied bull that weaned off nice and was our 5th high for gain. His sire was the high seller at Gibbs Farms. He
           is a sire we own with Select Sires. He has met our high expectations and works great on heifers. He is currently a CE, WW, YW, and ADG trait
           leader. He is in the top 4% for API and TI. His dam is a picture perfect daughter of TNT Unified, who is also a CE trait leader with excellent
           growth. This is a very complimentary mating stacked with CE, growth and very strong maternal backing.
        12 – View video of every bull on our website or Facebook! • Facebook/tntsimmentalranch
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