Page 23 - TNT Simmental Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 12, 2021 - Black Sim - Red Sim - Red Angus
P. 23

LOT 56          H403 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 1/2 Sim 1/2 Angus - ASA# 3794540
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀʹͻȀʹͲ      ͸ͺ         ͹ͻͳ       ͳͲ͹         ͶǤͳͷ        ͵Ǥͷͺ       ͳͶͷͷ        ͳͲ͹ͷ        ͵ͻ
           SIRE: GIBBS 7056E SOUTHERN COMFORT                                                           ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F187 - HSR BLAZE C648 - TNT Z24 - SAV BISMARCK              ͺ͵Ǥͻ  ͳ͵ͳǤ͹  ͲǤ͵             ͸͹Ǥͻ

           5682 - TNT X63 - TNT TUITION U238                        ͳͺǤ͸  ͳʹǤʹ  ͶʹǤͺ  ͲǤͷ͹ ǦͲǤͲͳͷ  ͲǤͷʹ  ͳͷͻǤ͹  ͻͳǤʹ
           This is a thick, deep bodied bull, with added style. He started small and really took off. We can’t say enough about his sire and his dam is a
           picture perfect 1st calf heifer. She is a 3rd generation Sim Angus that was one of our top WWs herself. She comes from a long line of very
           productive cows. Here is a very nice, well rounded mating. He ranked in the top 25% or higher for BW, WW, YW, ADG, Milk MWW, CW,
           MB, Stay, API and TI.
           LOT 57          H555 - Homo Polled - Homo Black - 1/2 Sim 1/2 Angus - ASA# 3788338
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲͳȀʹͲ      ͻ͸         ͺͶͳ       ͳͳ͸         ͶǤ͵͸        ͵Ǥͻͷ       ͳͷ͵ͺ        ͳͳͻͷ        ͵ͺ
           SIRE: TNT CONVERGENCE F380                                                                   ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT Y38 - S A V BRAND NAME 9115 - TNT W36 - MYTTY              ͻʹǤ͵  ͳͶͻǤͺ  ͲǤ͵͸       ʹͶǤͶ  ͹ͲǤͷ

           IN FOCUS - TNT T146 - TNT GUNNER N208                    ͳͷ    ͳͳǤͷ  ͷʹǤ͵  ͲǤʹͲ ǦͲǤͲʹ͵  ͲǤ͸Ͷ  ͳʹͷǤ͸  ͺ͵ǤͶ
           Here is a bull that really demands your attention when you walk into the pen. He is a thick, deep, soggy made bull that was our 2nd high for WW and 5th high
           for W.D.A., sired by our herd sire with EPD’s in the top 1% of the breed for WW and YW, top 3% for ADG, 4% for MWW, 5% for CW, and 25% or above
           for Stay, REA and TI. His dam is a phenomenal producer, with a 369-day calving interval and a 107 WW and 104 YW ratio, with sons going to top notch
           producers like Stuart Nielsen and Jeff Blees. Her dam was one of the top for WW herself, with many bulls in previous sales as well and her dam is a Gunner
           daughter with a 111 WW ratio. What a powerful cow family! Crossing this maternal power with Convergence made for one standout calf! Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 58          H425 - Homo Polled - Homo Black -  1/2 Sim 1/2 Angus - ASA# 3794562
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲ͸ȀʹͲ      ͻͶ         ͹ͺͳ       ͳͲ͸         ͶǤͲ͵        ͵Ǥ͸͹       ͳͶʹ͸        ͳͲͻͷ        ͵͸
           SIRE: GIBBS 7056E SOUTHERN COMFORT                                                           ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT B112 - MR NLC COMPLETE X0080 - TNT Y93 - LCOC-             ͺ͵Ǥ͸  ͳ͵ͺǤͳ  ͲǤ͵Ͷ       ʹ͸Ǥʹ  ͸͹Ǥͻ

           GLXY YIELD GRADE390 - TNT W169 - SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035   ͳͷǤͻ  ͳ͸Ǥ͹  ͷ͹Ǥͻ  ͲǤͶͻ ǦͲǤͲͲ͵  ͲǤ͸ʹ  ͳͶ͸Ǥͷ  ͺ͹Ǥͳ
           Here is a long bodied, performance bull with extra eye appeal and a little added frame. His sire is an extreme CE sire that still is in the top 15%
           for YW, ADG, MCE, Milk, MWW, DOC, CW, and MB, API and TI. His dam was our 3rd high WW heifer herself. She had an excellent son in
           our 2019 sale going to the Alley Ranch. The cow family continues very strong. This is a bull that in the top 25% or higher for CE, BW WW,
           YW, ADG, Milk, MWW, Doc, CW, MB, API and TI.
           LOT 59          H436 - Homo Polled - Homo Black -  1/2 Sim 1/2 Angus - ASA# 3794573
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀʹͳȀʹͲ      ͹͸         ͺͶʹ       ͳͳͶ         ͶǤ͸͵        ͶǤͳͺ       ͳͷͺ͵        ͳͳͷͷ        ͵͹
           SIRE: GIBBS 7056E SOUTHERN COMFORT                                                           ‹Ž
           DAM: SYS B1 - CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT - SYS Z97 - SYS     ͳͶǤ͸  ǦͲǤ͹  ͺͺǤʹ  ͳ͵ͻǤ͸  ͲǤ͵ʹ  ͺǤͺ  ʹͻǤͳ  ͹͵Ǥͳ

           STUNNER X25 - SYS R509 - PPSR NOPHALT 20H                           ͸ͲǤ͹  ͲǤͶʹ ǦͲǤͲʹͻ       ͳͷͺǤ͸  ͻͲǤ͵
           Here is a stout, thick made, high performance bull. He was our 6th high for WW and never slowed up as our 3rd high for gain and top for
           W.D.A and 2nd high for YW adjust. His sire is a CE sire that still adds growth, maternal and very high carcass. His dam has been excellent. She
           has a 106 WW ratio and had a Union son in last years sale going to Alley Ranch and a son the year before going to the Bow and Arrow Ranch.
           This is a very complete mating that is in the top 10% or higher for WW, YW, Milk, MWW, Stay, Doc, CW, API and TI.
                                   BLACK 3/8 SIMMENTAL 5/8 ANGUS BULLS
           LOT 60          H519 - Homo Polled - Homo Black -  3/8 Sim 5/8 Angus - ASA# 3788302
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ    ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳʹȀʹͲ      ͻ͸         ͹Ͳͻ        ͻͺ         ͵Ǥͻ͸        ͵Ǥ͵ͷ       ͳ͵Ͷʹ        ͳͲͻͷ        ͵ͶǤͷ
           SIRE: TNT CONVERGENCE F380                                                                   ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT B33 - CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 - TNT Z56 - S A V              ͺͶǤͺ  ͳ͵ͶǤͷ  ͲǤ͵ͳ       ʹͶǤ͵  ͸͸Ǥ͸

           MUSTANG 9134 - TNT U25 - MYTTY IN FOCUS                  ͳ͵Ǥ͹  ͳͳǤͻ  ͶͲ   ͲǤʹ͵ ǦͲǤͲͳͻ  ͲǤͷͺ  ͳͳ͹Ǥʹ  ͹͹Ǥʹ
           Here is a very complete, strong topped bull with top 15% EPD’s for WW, YW, ADG, 20% for MWW, 30% for CW and 35% for milk. His sire
           was a top seller at the 2019 sale and we are sure glad we bought him! His first calf crop has been exceptional. Lot 60’s dam is an extremely easy
           keeper, with a 363-day calving interval and a 106 WW ratio, out of Connealy In Sure, a 4-way trait leader, with API in the top 4%, and her dam
           is a beautiful S A V Mustang daughter with a 109 YW ratio. He has all the genetics to be great! Owned by Erbeles. • Facebook/tntsimmentalranch           View video of every bull on our website or Facebook! – 21
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