Page 26 - TNT Simmental Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 12, 2021 - Black Sim - Red Sim - Red Angus
P. 26

LOT 66          H320 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - Purebred Simmental - ASA# 3794454
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ      Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͲȀʹͲ      ͺͲ        ͹͸ʹ         Ȁ         ͶǤ͵͸        ͵Ǥ͸͹        ͳͶͷͻ       ͳͳͺͲ         ͵ͷ
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT E265 - TNT 90 PROOF Z401 - TNT W70 - TNT                   ͺʹǤͳ  ͳʹͺǤͶ  ͲǤʹͻ       ʹͻǤ͸  ͹ͲǤ͸

           GUNNER N208 - TNT S47 - HART EXTRA EFFORT G289          ͳ͹Ǥͺ   ͳͷ   ͵͵Ǥͺ  ͲǤ͵͹ ǦͲǤͲͺͻ  ͲǤͺ͹  ͳͷͳǤͳ  ͺͺǤͳ
           This is a long bodied, high performance bull with some added frame that was a top gaining bull. He is a twin raised as a single by his dam. His
           sire, IR Imperial, is currently one of the heaviest used red bulls in the breed. He rankes in the top 1% for CE, BW, MCE, marbling and API.
           His dam is an ET daughter of huge performance and maternal leader TNT 90 Proof. We really love our Imperial x 90 Proof matings. It just
           works every time.
           LOT 67          H335 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - Purebred Simmental - ASA# 3794469
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ      Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳʹȀʹͲ      ͻͲ        ͺ͵͵        ͳͳ͵        ͶǤ͸͵        ͵Ǥͺ͸        ͳͷ͹Ͷ       ͳʹͶͲ         ͵ͺ
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT E126 - WS PRIME TIME B6 - TNT B41 - DCR MR                 ͺͷǤʹ  ͳ͵ͳǤ͵  ͲǤʹͻ            ͹ʹǤͷ

           MOON SHINE X102 - TNT W109 - TNTS BIG LEAGUE R242       ͳ͸ǤͶ  ͳ͵Ǥͺ  ͵ͺǤͶ  ͲǤͶͶ ǦͲǤͲͺ͵  ͲǤ͹ͻ  ͳͷͳǤͻ  ͻͲǤͻ
           Here is a long bodied, thick, powerful made bull that was one of our top WW bulls and never slowed up, as our 3rd high for gain and 4th high
           for YW adjust. His dam has been exceptional with a 112 WW ratio on her 1st two calves. Her standout son last year went to Chase Trautman
           and her dam raised our high seller in 2019, TNT Defender, whose calves are outstanding, many of them in the sale this year. Here is a high
           growth, maternally packed bull with 5 generations of outstanding, very productive cows backing him.
           LOT 68          H346 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - Purebred Simmental - ASA# 3794481
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ      Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͶȀʹͲ      ͻͺ        ͹ʹͳ         Ȁ         ͶǤͳͳ        ͵Ǥ͵ͻ        ͳ͵͹ͺ       ͳͳͲͲ        ͵͸Ǥͷ
           SIRE: WFL WESTCOTT 24C                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT S17 - TNT FIVE STAR P275 - TNT L9 - JF NEW                 ͻͷǤ͵  ͳͶ͸Ǥʹ  ͲǤ͵ʹ       ͵ʹǤ͵  ͹ͻǤͻ

           DIMENSION 903J - TNT J1 - TNT AFTERSHOCK G404           ͳͳǤ͹  ͳ͸Ǥʹ  ͵ͺǤͶ  ǦͲǤͳͺ ǦͲǤͲͻ͵  ͳǤͳ  ͳͲͳǤʹ  ͹͹Ǥ͸
           This is a very docile, complete made bull. He is an ET son of the high growth, high maternal sire whose progeny have topped many sales in
           Canada, WFL Westcott. His dam is our great S17 donor, ranking in the top 1% for milk and MWW, along with very high growth. Here is a bull
           stacked with growth and very high maternal, with EPD’s in the top 5% for WW, YW, milk and docility. He should add growth as well as
           produce some excellent replacements.
           LOT 69          H350 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - Purebred Simmental - ASA# 3794485
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ      Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͶȀʹͲ      ͻͶ        ͹͹Ͳ        ͳͲͶ        ͶǤͶ͵        ͵Ǥ͸Ͷ        ͳͶ͹ͻ       ͳͳ͹Ͳ        ͵͹Ǥͷ
           SIRE: ASR BIRTHRIGHT                                                                        ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT D183 - TNT TANNERITE B369 - TNT Z86 - ASR                  ͸ͳǤͺ  ͻʹǤ͹  ͲǤͳͻ        ʹ͸Ǥͳ  ͷ͸Ǥͻ

           SUBSTANCE X009 - TNT U165 - 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291       ͳͻǤ͵   ͻǤͷ  ͳ͵Ǥͺ  ͲǤͳͶ ǦͲǤͲͺͺ  ͲǤͻʹ  ͳͶͲǤͻ  ͹ʹǤͳ
           Here is a very docile, thick, deep bodied son of ASR Birthright, a herd bull we own with ST Genetics. He is a red outcross that is in the top 1%
           for CE, whose calves are thick and deep with excellent temperaments. His dam is a broody, easy keeper out of the maternal great, TNT
           Tannerite, who ranks in the top 1% for milk. She raised an excellent Imperial son last year that sold to Boucher Simmentals. His daughters
           should be exceptional.
           LOT 70          H531 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - Purebred Simmental - ASA# 3788314
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ      Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͷȀʹͲ      ͻͺ        ͹ͻͶ        ͳͳͲ        ͶǤʹʹ        ͵Ǥ͸ͺ        ͳͶ͸ͻ       ͳͳͺͷ        ͵͵Ǥͷ
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: SYS C41 - TNT TANKER U263 - SYS Y101 - SYS LEGEND              ͺͷǤͷ  ͳʹͻ   ͲǤʹ͹        ʹͷǤͶ  ͸ͺǤͳ

           T767 - SYS W949 - TNT TOP GUN R244                      ʹʹǤͻ  ͳͳǤͳ  ͶʹǤͶ  ͲǤͳͻ ǦͲǤͲͺʹ  ͳǤͲͻ  ͳͷͲǤͳ  ͺͶ
           Here is an extra-long, powerful, high performance bull with a little more frame. He brings with a great set of EPD’s, with top 1% stay, 20% or higher WW,
           YW, MCE, MWW, CW, REA, Shr, API and TI and top 35% or higher milk and MB, while ratioing 110 for WW as well. He is sired by Imperial, a bull that
           continues to see a high amount of use, with many of his progeny topping sales. His dam is a beautiful daughter of the 8-way trait leader, TNT Tanker, that we
           purchased at the ND Select Simmental sale in 2017 from Sys Simmentals, and she has a 107 WW and 106 YW ratio and her dam has a 105 WW ratio herself.
           Owned by Erbeles.
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