Page 3 - Bar JV Angus Bull and Heifer Production Sale – March 23, 2021
P. 3
Sale Information
Annual Production Sale
1 p.m. MDT • Bar J V Angus Ranch and Feedlot
104 :: Angus Bulls
40 :: Purebred Heifers (papers available)
60 :: Commercial Angus Heifers
14 :: F1 Baldy Heifers
Auctionee r: Sale Day Lunch:
Joe Goggins ................................................................(406) 373-6844 Free lunch will be available at 11:30 a.m. on sale day.
Sale Day Phone Numbers: Acc omodations:
406-798-3653 or 406-798-3506 Richland Motor Inn ......................................................(406) 433-6400
Dale ........................................................................(406) 480-5676 Lone Tree Motor Inn.....................................................(406) 433-4520
Jim .........................................................................(406) 630-2959 Park Plaza Motel ..........................................................(406) 433-1520
Microtel Inn and Suites ................................................(406) 482-9011
Representatives: Best Western ................................................................(406) 433-4560
Kurt Kangas Holiday Inn Express .....................................................(406) 433-3200
American Angus Association ..................................(406) 366-4190
Don Ravellette Terms & Conditions:
Cattlemen’s Invite ...................................................(605) 685-5147 All cattle are to be settled for sale day unless prior arrangements have
Curt Cox been made. Please leave specifi c instructions in writing for transfer
Wyoming Livestock Roundup .................................(307) 630-4604 and shipping. Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder with the
Devin Murnin auctioneer settling any disputes as to bids. Announcements made
Western Livestock Journal .....................................(406)-696-1502 from the auction block take precedence over any printed material. The
cattle sell under the suggested terms and conditions as adopted by the
Sale Location: American Angus Association.
Bar JV Angus is located 20 miles northwest of Sidney, MT. Turn left
between mile markers 18 and 19 on County Road 340. Or, the ranch is Herd Health:
located 18 miles south of Culbertson on Hwy 16. Turn right between All cattle will be accompanied with proper health papers for immediate
mile markers 18 and 19 on County Road 340. shipment within the continental United States. All sale animals are
calfhood vaccinated, including 7-Way, IBR, BVD, P13 and Pasteurella,
Watch for bull sale signs. 14043 Co. Rd. 340 Fairview, MT 59221 Fusogard, Pinkeye vaccine and Multi-Min 90.
Heifers have received a BVD booster and Lepto Vibro shot this spring.
Catt le Inspection:
Cattle can be viewed at the ranch anytime before the sale. Videos:
Videos of sale bulls available at:
Sale Order:
Heifers will sell fi rst and bulls will follow in catalog order.
Online Bidd ing:
Live broadcast and real-time bidding available on
Note: Dale & Jill Vitt
Buyers unable to attend the sale may send or phone their bids to the (406) 798-3398 :: (406) 480-5676 cell
auctioneer, the representatives or owners; or bid via Jim & Loretta Vitt
Please register prior to sale day for DVAuction bidding. (406) 798-3653 :: (406) 630-2959 cell ::
14013 Cty Rd 340 :: Fairview, MT 59221 1