Page 9 - Croissant Red Angus Range-Ready Bull Sale – March 27, 2021
P. 9


        10      LJC EXPORTER 345H               BW     69  Ratio
                       Reg. #  Birthdate  Category  205 Adj  632 103
                Bull  #4305293  3/7/20  1A  100%
                                                365 Adj  1218 102
                             REDHILL TEN X 104U 190A
        LSF MEW X-PORTER  6695D                 %IMF  3.54  79
                             BROWN MS NEW STANDARD A7053  REA  14.8 107
                             LJC MERLIN T179    MPPA/AOD 99.0  7
        LJC MARCELLA 345
                             LJC LANCER CROCUS 512  PAP Score  37
          ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI  M   HPG  CEM   ST   MARB   YG  CW   REA
         137  77 60 16  -5.5  59  93  0.21  0.77 27  12 10  13  0.55 -0.04 19  0.45
          19% 54% 12% 11%  3%  52%  55%  59%   9%  31%  36%  4%   77%  19%  9%  51%  4%
        345H is a bull that brings stout genetics for calving ease and carcass
        quality. He has the second highest Ribeye Area numbers in this
        year’s sale.

                                                                                       Lot 10

        11      LJC 1SLC PREMIER 768H           BW     77 102
                       Reg. #  Birthdate  Category  205 Adj  703 109
                Bull  #4307909  3/18/20  1B  99.9%
                                                365 Adj  1280 106
                             BROWN PREMIER X7876
        LJC PREMIER STATEMENT 823E              %IMF  3.16  79
                             LJC MARISSA 823    REA   12.9 100
                             LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 205  MPPA/AOD 104.0  3
        1SLC POPPY SEED 768
                             1SLC POPPY SEED W15  PAP Score  39
          ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG   DMI  M   HPG  CEM   ST   MARB   YG  CW   REA
         170  99 71 13  -1.7  72  115 0.27  1.37 28  16  6   18  0.63 -0.06 31  0.44
         1%  9%  4% 38% 51% 10% 12% 19%  46% 26%  5% 73%  18%  9%  6%  14%  4%
        768H ranks in the top 25% within breed for 12 traits, including top
        1% for ProS. Take a close look at his genetics for maternal traits,
        high growth and carcass quality.

        All             d                                                                                          7 7
        All bulls PAP tested. b ll PAP
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14