Page 3 - Effertz Key Ranch Charolais and Salers Optimizer Annual Bull Sale – March 12, 2021
P. 3

Selling 121 Lots
         76 Charolais Bulls ..................................................pages 2 – 18  Supplement Sheet:
         45 Salers Optimizer Bulls .....................................pages 19 – 28  Yearling weights and performance, ultrasound information, scrotal
                                                               measurements, profi t index and any other changes and corrections to
                          Sale Day Phones:                     the sale catalog will be listed on the supplement sheet which will be
        Neil Effertz (cell) ............................................................. 701-471-0153  on our website. Copies will be available at the sale.
        Roger Effertz (cell) .......................................................... 701-720-1156
        Kevin Effertz (cell) ...........................................................701-720-1363  Registration Papers:
                                                               Bulls are registered with the American International Charolais
        Bryan Dean (cell) .............................................................701-720-0802
                                                               Association or the American Salers Association. Their registration
        Auctioneer:                                            numbers appear in the catalog.
        Jered Shipman .......................................................806-983-7226
        Join Us!                                               Will be available at the settlement desk.
        The bulls will be penned and ready to look at Wednesday,   Video:
        March 10.
                                                               Video of individual bulls is on our website now –
        Join us for lunch before the sale.           
        Directions to Sale Site:                               Herd Health:
        Rugby Livestock ....................................................701-776-6393  The sale cattle are up-to-date on the Effertz Key Ranch health program as
        Rugby Livestock Auction, 2818 Hwy 2 West, Rugby, ND 58368   follows: calves were vaccinated for IBR, BVD, Somnagen, 7-way, BRSV Syncial
                                                               Virus, PI3 and treated with Dectomax. Our vet will be on hand to write
        Special Representatives:                               interstate health certifi cates. Our cowherd is tested free of Johne’s Disease.
        Colt Keffer, Charolais Journal ...........................................765-376-8784
        Weston Geppert, Charolais Journal ..................................605-933-1387  Trucking:
        Dean Pike, American Salers ...............................................303-810-7605  Ask us about feeding and trucking arrangements.
        Kris Petersen, Special Assignment ....................................701-339-0305  Guarantee:
        Kirby Goettsch, Farm & Ranch Guide ..............................605-380-3939
                                                               Effertz Key Ranch bulls sell fully guaranteed. Yearling bulls are
        Tony Heins, Cattle Business Weekly ..................................701-400-4435
                                                               guaranteed to pass a semen test at turnout time. Please refer to the
        Scott Ressler, North Dakota Stockman .............................701-391-7310
                                                               terms and conditions on the inside back cover.
        Area Motel:
        Cobblestone Inn ...............................................................701-881-3000  Absentee Bidders:
                                                               If you are unable to attend the sale, please contact
        402 Highway 2 East, Rugby ND 58368
                                                               Neil (701-471-0153), Roger (701-720-1156), Kevin (701-720-1363),
        Our Exclusive Profi t Index:                            Bryan Dean (701-720-0802) or any of the special representatives to
                                                               discuss the bulls and arrange to place a bid.
        Designed by NDSU research specialists, our profi t index is a combined
        index of a terminal cross sire’s value in a retained ownership scenario
        and predicts carcass yield, feedlot gain and fi nal carcass weight, the
        most economically signifi cant criteria for profi t.

        The profi t index will be listed on the supplement sheet which will be
        on our website www.effertzkeyranch in late February.     Check out the new website for – it’s great. No app
                                                                 is required but you will need to re-register. If you need assistance
        Rob Bodine, Feeder Cattle Representative .......................701-626-2244  contact support 817-725-8595 or Mariah Miller 712-294-4731.

                                              Gerald Eff ertz Family • P.O. Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640
                                              • www.eff

                                                    Kevin: (701) 720-1363 • Roger: (701) 720-1156
                                                   Neil: (701) 471-0153 • Bryan Dean: 701-720-0802
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