Page 24 - Green Mountain Red Angus Annual Bull Production Sale – March 16, 2021
P. 24

Yearling Bulls
        Yearling Bulls                                                               GREEN MOUNT
                                                                                     GREEN MOUNTAIN RED ANGUSAIN RED ANGUS

                                                                         GMRA EXCELLENCE 0216H
                                                                41       GMRA EXCELLENCE 0216H
                                                                         Birth Date:
                                                                                    Reg. #
                                                                          1/11/20   4293141    100%  1A
                                                                 LJC MERLIN 937Z     LJC MERLIN T179  BW       65
                                                                KCC EXCELLENCE 139-774  | TR CARRIE WT937  WW/Ratio  538  100
                                                                 139 1KCC            SCHULER ENVY 7342T  YW/Ratio  939  91
                                                                                    | KCC MISS BV 2105-528
                                                                 GMRA TRINITY 5222   GMRA TRILOGY 0226  IMF/REA  2.69  11.9
                                                                GMRA ESTONIA 831F   | GMRA INDIGO 615  Scrotal  36.5
                                                                 GMRA ESTONIA 670    GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216
                                                                                    | GMRA ESTONIA 124
                                                                 ProS    HB   GM                            QUALIFIED
                                                                 148  93  55
                                                                 9%   18%  17%
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                      Lot 41     19 -3.7  60  97 0.23  1.68  31  10  13  12  17 0.42  -0.14  29 0.61  -0.01
                                                                1% 17% 49% 47% 44%  76%  7% 98% 23%  1% 28% 44%  2%  18%  1%  7%
          This heifer bull will provide calving ease and keep an eye towards pounds at weaning. His EPD profi le is second to none with 12 numbers in the top 25% of the breed or higher and only 2 that are not
          in the top half of the breed. Calving Ease is king, but carcass and growth aren’t far behind. And he has the combined maternal power of both the Lakota and Etsonia cow families on the bottom side of
          the pedigree. There are 7 generations of cow families posting MPPA’s of 100 or higher, including the powerful Estonia 8102 cow. You have to go back 47 years to fi nd one under 100. If you are looking
          for a bull that you can put on heifers and then transition into your older cow herd, look no further.
                                                                         DDRA DECLARA
                  DDRA ABSOLUTION 001
         42       DDRA ABSOLUTION 001                           43       DDRA DECLARATION 028TION 028
                                                                                    Reg. #
                                                                         Birth Date:
                            Reg. #
                  Birth Date:
                   1/1/20   4283561    100%  1A                            2/2/20   4283525    100%  1A
        GMRA ABSOLUTION 6201  | JYJ MS JOLENE W16  WW/Ratio  661  HXC DECLARATION 5504C  | LCOC ZARA TG004  WW/Ratio  715  106
          GMRA JUANA 4100     GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216  YW/Ratio  1232  HXC190Y          BECKTON NEBULA P P707  YW/Ratio  1234  104
                             | GMRA JUANA 089                                       | HXC ELLIE MAY MA638
                              MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                                                     LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
          LAUBACH LOMBARDI 9014  | LARSON MARIE 724-328  IMF/REA  2.95  14.8  GMRA STETSON 2240  | GMRA VENICE 359  IMF/REA  3.34  12.6
        DDRA BLOCKANA 4030                    Scrotal  40.0    DDRA LADY ELEANOR 4015                Scrotal  42.0
          DDRA BLOCKANA 880   GMRA CITADEL 6109                  DDRA LADY ELEANOR 0014  VGW NORTHERN CANYON 5109
                             | FEDDES BLOCKANA R108                                 | DKK LADY ELEANOR P53
         ProS    HB   GM                             QUALIFIED   ProS    HB   GM                            QUALIFIED
         126  68  58                                            133  79  54
         33%   73%  13%                                         23%   47%  19%
         CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT   CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
          8  -0.5  70  111  0.26  1.62  26  8  8  5  16 0.56  0.00  29 0.37  0.01   12  0.7  78  131  0.33  1.95  21 11 10  9  15  0.38  0.13  37  0.11  0.02
         94%  73%  15%  17% 23%   71%   36%  95%  93% 85%  36% 17%   21%   19%   7%   48%   62% 90%  3%  2%   2%   92%   85%  99%  63%  16% 54%  54%   87%   5%   46%   56%
        This was our fi rst calf born at 63# as a twin to a heifer. He grew out extremely well and has always   If you’re selling by the pound you simply cannot miss this Declaration son. Numbers are in the
        had loads of eye appeal. Out of a top producing Blockana cow, this bull has the look and numbers   top 3% and 2% for WW and YW EPDs, respectively. He is DDRA’s number one adjusted WW at
        to put pounds on calves with his weaning and yearling in the top 17%. In addition, having 4 out of   715lbs. He turned in an ADG ratio of 101 and WDA of 103. IMF scan resulted in a 119 ratio. In
        5 of his carcass EPDs in the top 21% of the breed, he is sure to add value to his calves. As a twin   addition, he has a strong maternal background. If you trail the straight maternal lineage you fi nd
        he posted no ratios, but his carcass scans gave him the #1 actual REA and the #3 adjusted REA   that 10 generations back to a 1960 born dam, registration #2541, there are only 2 MPPAs in the
        of all bulls on test. He offers a little extra frame but has the muscling and shape to make him an   pedigree that are less than a 101 and go all the way up to 110.
        attractive bull.                                                 GMRA BRUNSWICK 0274H
                                                                         GMRA BRUNSWICK 0274H
                  GMRA EXCELLENCE 0221H
         44       GMRA EXCELLENCE 0221H                         45       Birth Date:    Reg. #   Category:
                            Reg. #
                  Birth Date:
                   1/12/20  4293153    100%  1A                           1/27/20   4293269    100%  1A  BW    82
                                                                                     BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334
                                                                 FEDDES SILVER BOW B226
          LJC MERLIN 937Z     LJC MERLIN T179  BW       79      FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202  | FEDDES LAKINA Y17  WW/Ratio  599  104
        KCC EXCELLENCE 139-774  | TR CARRIE WT937  WW/Ratio  547  101  FEDDES LARKABU X21  FEDDES BIG SKY R9  YW/Ratio  1060  97
          139 1KCC            SCHULER ENVY 7342T  YW/Ratio  1064  103               | FEDDES LARKABU 827
                             | KCC MISS BV 2105-528                                  VGW JUSTICE 614  IMF/REA  3.16  12.9
                                                                 FRITZ JUSTICE 8013
                              BECKTON NEBULA P P707
          BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334  | JYJ MS JOLENE W16  IMF/REA  2.61  11.1  GMRA LAKOTA 474  | FRITZ CHRIS 6047  Scrotal  34.0
        GMRA NEXA 826F                        Scrotal  38.0      GMRA LAKOTA 822     BASIN HOBO 79E
          GMRA NEXA 677       FEDDES BOBCAT A230                                    | GMRA LAKOTA 527
                             | GMRA NEXA 250                     ProS    HB   GM
         ProS    HB   GM                             QUALIFIED   150  111  39
         148  81  68                                             7%   2%  50%
         8%   44%  6%                                            CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
         CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT   16 -2.4  62  97 0.22  2.18  33  5  11  10  20 0.59  -0.13  15 0.65  0.02
         14 -2.4  64  114  0.31  1.72  27 6 11  9  15  0.47  -0.07  28  0.40  -0.01  10% 37% 41% 47% 54%  98%  3% 82% 45%  6%  3%  13%  2%  70%  1%  64%
         24%  37% 31%  13%  4%   79%   28% 86%  59%  15%  49%  33%   5%   21%   6%   7%  The more you study this bull’s EPD profi le, the more impressive it gets. All but 5 are in the top 50%.
        There is a solid profi le here, taking a moderate birth weight to above average growth. 10 EPDs are   Calving ease & maternal are collectively strong with ProS, HB, Milk, CEM & Stay all in single digits.
        in the top 25% or higher, with ProS, GM, ADG, YG, REA and BFat all in single digit percentiles and   Milk EPD is tied for #1 in the class & Stay tied for #3. Growth & carcass hold their own as well, with
        a very solid set of carcass numbers. The maternal profi le is strong, with a 100 MPPA dam and a   impressive Marb, YG & REA EPD that’s tied for 4th highest overall. His dam has an MPPA of 104 on
        grandam posting a 109 MPPA on 4 calves and in the top 3% of the GMRA herd. Within 7 genera-  5 calves & is the dam of GMRA Acquisition 9300G, featured as Lot 7 in last year’s sale. The maternal
        tions there is only one MPPA under 100.                line goes back to the high performance donor cow, GMRA Lakota 527, with an MPPA of 112 on 7
                                                               natural calves.
        22 – Green Mountain Red Angus                                    View a sortable Excel spreadsheet and videos at
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