Page 52 - Diamonds in the Desert Premier Horse Sale - Las Vegas – Dec. 3-4, 2021
P. 52

Premier  Hor se Sale
                                                                 62 62   S S
                                                                         SHINE JOE SHINEHINE JOE SHINEHINE JOE SHINE

                                                                         2015      Chestnut       AQHA #5711106
                                                                         Gelding   14.3 HH

                                                                                                    SMART LITTLE LENA
                                                                                   SMART CHIC OLENA
                                                                SHINE CHIC SHINE                    GAY SUGAR CHIC
                                                                                                    SHINING SPARK
                                                                                   EBONY SHINES
                                                                                                    EBONY WHIZ
                                                                                                    PEPPY SAN BADGER
                                                                                   LIL RUF PEPPY
                                                                MY DIAMOND IN THE RUF               RUFUS PEPPY
                                                                                                    VINCENT’S MY WAY
                                                                                   MY WAYS NICKI
                                                                                                    MELINDA SUE
                                                                We are excited to offer this talented, gorgeous, chestnut 6-year-old
                                                                son of NRHA Million Dollar sire Shine Chic Shine and out of NRHA
                                                             $ earning dam My Diamond InThe Ruf, daughter of $3 million dollar
                                                             sire Lil Ruf Peppy. Shine is a most prized horse in the barn. He’s got
                                                             tons of ability, and is well trained with movie star good looks. He has
                                                             a sweet, gentle, friendly personality. Standing a perfect 14.3HH and is stout built for
                                                             anyone to have lots of great times. Started with a foundation of natural horsemanship
                                                             training, he’s a willing partner. He is confi dent riding out by himself, and fi ts in with
                                                             a group. Shine is an experienced trail horse. He knows how to go up and down steep
                                                             areas, crosses logs, bridges, creeks, and is confi dent facing new obstacles. He’s great
                                                             with 4 wheelers, machinery, dogs, and wildlife. Opens and closes gates with ease.
                                                             He loads and hauls well. Stands perfectly for saddling and mounting, easily moving
                                                             to a mounting block if needed. He is very controllable, moves off leg pressure, and
                                                             has an excellent neck rein. We’ve had very novice riders take him out in the trail and
                                                             he brings them back safe and happy. There’s no funny business with this amazing
                                       gelding. Shine is extremely well trained for all kinds of arena and ranch work. He stops, spins, slides, side passes, lead
                                       changes, and backs effortlessly. He has a smooth trot and a rocking chair canter, and steps right up into a big Texas trot
                                       when asked. He does lots of fun tricks including lying down, sitting up, and even smiles. He’s unfazed by bouncy balls,
                                       tarps, bull whips, balloons, umbrellas, and everything else we’ve showed him! We’ve ridden him a lot bareback and
                                       bridleless , he’s really smooth and fun to play around on. Whatever type riding you do it will be comfortable all day long
           and you’ll be looking forward to your next fun adventure with Shine! Ranch Riding, Trail, Shows, Parades, Western Dressage, Queen competitions, he can get it done!
           You can’t help but fall in love with him. Shine is a willing, confi dent partner to have a beautiful Saturday trail ride, work around the ranch, and also talented and pretty
           enough to compete at the horse show!
                                                                    Bryan Mahoney • Mahoney Mules and Horses • 406-839-4224

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