Page 5 - Rhodes Red Angus Bull and Heifer Annual Production Sale – Jan. 17, 2022
P. 5


               R                                                                         Elite Heiferslite Heifers
               Red Angus Ranched Angus Ranch
        This year we have selected our local FFA chapter       Lot A
        to receive 100% of the three donation lots. This do-   Flush of any cow on the ranch minimum of 4 viable
        nation is intended to help educate the kids of our     embryos. At buyer’s expense and seller’s conve-
        community in animal agriculture. This will specifi cally   nience.
        teach them the skills of artifi cial insemination and
        phenotype evaluation. We love to pay it forward and    Lot B
        help our youth gain and develop a passion for the      50 units of any bull owned or raised by Rhodes Red
        business we love.  We want to help provide a path      Angus with inventory on hand. Seller to work with
        for them to gain the skills necessary to successfully   buyer to accommodate to the best of our ability. Take
        breed and evaluate cattle. You will have your pick of   10 or more.
        any cow on our place. We have an incredible donor
        battery full of opportunities including the mothers to
        many of our herd-sires such as Pathfi nder, Blueprint   Lot C
        (Mother and Grandmother), U2 Renown just to name       Up to 100 free AI arm services sell separately to be
        a few. Your success with this opportunity would be our   used in conjunction with any raised or owned Rhodes
        greatest joy. We would love to discuss any available   herd sire with semen inventory on hand.
        donors before you purchase.

                                                               lot       RREDS PRIMROSE J199
                                                                H-1      Birth  Date:  2/26/21  Category: 1A 100%
                                                                         BW:  78   WW:                    #4516425
                                                                                                RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E
                                                                           RED U2 TOWNSHIP 17G
                                                                                                U2 BEAUTY 113Z
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  RREDS SENECA 731C
                                                                91  57  34  RREDS PRIMROSE 7166
                                                                61%  65%   49%                  BASIN PRIMROSE 4167
                                                                 CED BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW REA   FAT
                                                                 10  -1.3  58   96  0.24 1.31  24  -5  12  6  14  0.33 0.12  24 0.17  0.04
                                                                80% 59%  58%  50%  41%  40% 64% 21% 38%  74% 75% 68%  82% 34% 33%  94%
                                                                   J199 stems from a cow family that leaves great udders, very productive, and
                                                               extremely maternal oriented. Her young dam is the cow pictured when she
                                                               was a bred heifer. The Seneca adds calving ease and a correct growth curve
                                                               leaving you fl eshing ability and forage conversion. Endless mating options on
                                                               this heifer. Take advantage here as we are bringing our very best to town and it
                RREDS PRIMROSE 7166, dam of Lot H-1            pains us to open the gate on the replacements.

                                                               lot       RREDS LAKOTA J184
                                                                H-2      Birth  Date:  2/23/21  Category: 1A 100%

                                                                         BW:  78   WW:                    #4515881
                                                                                                RED U-2 RECKONING 149A
                                                                           RED U2 BLUE COLLAR 295E
                                                                                                RED U-2 ANEXA 439A
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                  BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                109  85  24  MLK CRK LAKOTA 095
                                                                31%  14%   73%                  MLK CRK LAKOTA 173
                                                                 CED BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW REA   FAT
                                                                 10  -0.2  59  100  0.25 1.53  31  -7  11  7  18  0.20 0.14  26 0.02  0.03
                                                                83% 79%  52%  41%  29%  62% 7% 16% 56%  51% 22% 94%  88% 27% 68%  75%
                                                                   J184 comes from a very proven cow that lasted until she was 16 raising a calf
                                                               every year. This heifer is bred for maternal production and real longevity. This
                                                               heifer is one that will make you drool when she enters production. Blue collar
                                                               is doing a great job leaving very functional offspring, correct udder attach-
                                                               ments, and ideal feet. Pictured is her dam as an 11-year-old cow.
                MLK CRK LAKOTA 095, dam of Lot H-2

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