Page 3 - Effertz Key Ranch Annual Charolais, Salers/Optimizer Bull Sale – March 10, 2022
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         THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2022

          Rugby Livestock, Rugby, ND • 1 p.m. CST

                                                  Selling 130 Lots

         88 Charolais Bulls .........................................................pages 2 – 22  Supplement Sheet:
         42 Salers Optimizer Bulls ............................................pages 23 – 32  Yearling weights and performance, ultrasound information, scrotal
                                                               measurements, profit index and any other changes and corrections to the sale
                          Sale Day Phones:                     catalog will be listed on the supplement sheet which will be on our website.
        Neil Effertz (cell) ...................................................................  701-471-0153  Copies will be available at the sale.
        Roger Effertz (cell) ................................................................  701-720-1156
        Kevin Effertz (cell) ................................................................. 701-720-1363  Registration Papers:
        Bryan Dean (cell)  .................................................................. 701-720-0802  Bulls are registered with the American International Charolais Association or the
        Adam Dean (cell) ................................................................... 701-537-3882  American Salers Association. Their registration numbers appear in the catalog.
        Julia Dean (cell) ..................................................................... 307-462-1072  Insurance:
        Auctioneer:                                            Will be available at the settlement desk.
        Jered Shipman .............................................................806-983-7226  Video:
        Join Us!                                               Video of individual bulls is on our website now –
        The bulls will be penned and ready to look at Wednesday, March 9.
        Join us for lunch before the sale.                     Herd Health:
                                                               The sale cattle are up-to-date on the Effertz Key Ranch health program as follows:
        Directions to Sale Site:                               calves were vaccinated for IBR, BVD, Somnagen, 7-way, BRSV Syncial Virus, PI3
        Rugby Livestock ..........................................................701-776-6393  and treated with Dectomax. Our vet will be on hand to write interstate health
        Rugby Livestock Auction, 2818 Hwy 2 West, Rugby, ND 58368   certificates. Our cowherd is tested free of Johne’s Disease.

        Special Representatives:                               Trucking:
        Dean Pike, American Salers .................................................... 303-810-7605  Ask us about feeding and trucking arrangements.
        Kirby Goettsch, Farm & Ranch Guide ................................... 605-380-3939  Guarantee:
        Tony Heins, Cattle Business Weekly ....................................... 701-400-4435
        Scott Ressler, North Dakota Stockman ................................... 701-391-7310  Effertz Key Ranch bulls sell fully guaranteed. Yearling bulls are guaranteed to
        Hadley Schotte, Charolais Journal .......................................... 785-562-6632  pass a semen test at turnout time. Please refer to the terms and conditions on
                                                               the inside back cover.
        Area Motel:                                            Absentee Bidders:
        Cobblestone Inn ..................................................................... 701-881-3000
        402 Highway 2 East, Rugby ND 58368                     If you are unable to attend the sale, please contact
                                                               Neil (701-471-0153), Roger (701-720-1156), Kevin (701-720-1363), Bryan
        Our Exclusive Profit Index:                            Dean (701-720-0802), Adam (701-537-3882), Julia (307-462-1072) or any
        Designed by NDSU research specialists, our profit index is a combined index   of the special representatives to discuss the bulls and arrange to place a bid.
        of a terminal cross sire’s value in a retained ownership scenario and predicts
        carcass yield, feedlot gain and final carcass weight, the most economically
        significant criteria for profit.

        The profit index will be listed on the supplement sheet which will be on our
        website www.effertzkeyranch in late February.
                                                                   Check out the new website for – it’s great. No app is
        Rob Bodine, Feeder Cattle Representative .............................. 701-626-2244  required but you will need to re-register. If you need assistance contact
                                                                       support 817-725-8595 or Mariah Miller 712-294-4731.
                                              Gerald Effertz Family • P.O. Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640

                                                    Kevin: (701) 720-1363 • Roger: (701) 720-1156
                                                  Neil: (701) 471-0153 • Bryan Dean: (701) 720-0802
                                               Adam Dean: (701) 537-3882 • Julia Dean: (307) 462-1072

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