Page 32 - Sperry Quarter Horse Sale – Aug. 14, 2022
P. 32
Sperry HorSe Sale
55 BadLands rain nodak
2022 Dun Stud Colt
Peppy San Badger
Paddys Irish Whiskey
Rainin Whiskey { May Rains Doc’s Starlight
Mr Sun O Lena
{ May Gin
{ Gallo Del Cielo
Rockin Kelly Rooster { Rooster Jr Docs Little Sonita
Rockin T Fox
Miss Rockin T Kelly
{ Rockin T Debby
By the way his siblings have performed, Nodak will be handy on his feet,
quick and eager to learn. Nodak is fun to watch, and one will notice his
picture-perfect profile and his ease of travel.
Sperry Horses • 701-565-2013
Lot 55 • Nodak
56 BadLands rain nemo 2022 Dun Filly
Doc’s Starlight
Rainin Whiskey Paddys Irish Whiskey { Peppy San Badger
{ May Rains Mr Sun O Lena
{ May Gin
{ Young Gun
Badlands Gun Xango { Gun Too Pambalena
Sons Sugar O Doc
Sugar Flintrock
{ Sara Flintrock
This dun filly has an interesting blaze with both hind ankles white and a set
of fancy black legs. She comes from a long line of great mothers. Robert
roped off Xango a few years ago and had a great time doing so. Here is a
great put-together filly with great eye appeal.
Sperry Horses • 701-565-2013
Lot 56 • Nemo
57 BadLands rain nuzzeL 2022 Bay Filly
Doc’s Starlight
Rainin Whiskey Paddys Irish Whiskey { Peppy San Badger
{ May Rains Mr Sun O Lena
{ May Gin
{ Doc’s Oak
Doc N Mille
Badlands Oak Zimm { Millie N Docs Oak
Blazin Red Holly
{ Docs Blazin Trouble
Lean on Dakota
Nuzzel has a Millie N Docs Oak daughter for a mother which means we
expect another friendly, easy, smooth mover. All of Zimm’s foals have been
good-minded and easy learners.
Sperry Horses • 701-565-2013
Lot 57 • Nuzzel