Page 33 - Sperry Quarter Horse Sale – Aug. 14, 2022
P. 33

Sperry HorSe Sale

                                                                 58        BadLands rain nasCar
                                                                                                   2022 Dun Stud Colt
                                                                                                   Peppy San Badger
                                                                                 Paddys Irish Whiskey
                                                               Rainin Whiskey   { May Rains        Doc’s Starlight
                                                                                                   Mr Sun O Lena
                                                                                                  {  May Gin
                                                                                                  {  Mia Cash Too
                                                               Badland Cash Chevy  {  Mia Dogface Cash  Cheyennes Huwana
                                                                                                   Sons Sugar O Doc
                                                                                  Nice Sugar Lady
                                                                                                  {  Nice Sara
                                                               Here is a colt that has the background for some speed and comes from a
                                                               long line of great saddle horses. Nascar is a big, good-muscled, straight-
                                                               legged, smart guy. Robert has his full sister he is roping on and is enjoying
                                                               every bit of it.
                                                                                                 Sperry Horses • 701-565-2013
                             Lot 58 • Nascar

                                                                 59        BadLands rain niCkeL
                                                                                                  2022 Sorrel Stud Colt

                                                                                                   Doc’s Starlight
                                                               Rainin Whiskey    Paddys Irish Whiskey  {  Peppy San Badger
                                                                                { May Rains        Mr Sun O Lena
                                                                                                  {  May Gin

                                                                                                  {  Reminic
                                                               Cutnrun on the Brink  {  IMA Dandy Inc  Santana Hand 71
                                                                                                   Brinks Jose Cutter
                                                                                  Mr Dixie Lynx
                                                                                                  {  Mr Peppys Star
                                                               Nickel is put together correctly and is bred to be reliable. We think he
                                                               will live up to his name sake’ legacy as he has Reminic breeding just like
                                                               Robert’s old rodeo horse, Nickel. Brink rode well before she was put in the
                                                               broodmare band.
                                                                                                 Sperry Horses • 701-565-2013
                             Lot 59 • Nickel

                    “Old Cowboy” Memorial Scholarship

                               Rollover Auction Fundraiser

                       We will hold the scholarship fundraiser after Lot 59.

                                  For more information on the program,

                                      please see the inside back cover.

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