Page 38 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 38

                    g 3-
        C C
        Bred Femalesar-Olds
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             ed F
                                                                              GMRA VENICE 008H
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              1/8/20          4293069       100% 1A
                                                                  LJC MERLIN 937Z      LJC MERLIN T179
                                                                KCC EXCELLENCE 139-774  | TR CARRIE WT937
                                                                                       SCHULER ENVY 7342T
                                                                  139 1KCC            | KCC MISS BV 2105-528
                                                                  H2R PROFITBUILDER B403  LSF TAKEOVER 9943W   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                GMRA VENICE 830F      | BROWN MS P707 Y6674   120  70  50
                                                                                       BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                  GMRA VENICE 692     | GMRA VENICE 356     13%  33%  16%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 16  -4.1  61  101  0.25  1.25  25  -9  9  10  15  0.53  0.06  19  0.08  0.01
                                                                 8%  12%  41%  31%  24%  36%  52%  7%  82%  4%  71%  20%  45%  52%  47%  44%
                                                                Bred to: GMRA APACHE 0233H (#4293179)    Due Date: 4/30/23
                                                               Look for Excellence daughters to be strong on calving ease. She was a 63# and her first calf hit the
                                                               ground at 72#. Proof is in the numbers with all calving ease in the top 12% or higher, while growth
                                Lot 98                         stays in the top half of the breed. To summarize, this girl has one of the strongest, most complete
                                                               sets of EPDs in the offering. Only 2 are not in the top 50% of the breed. You can breed her with
                                                               success at any level!
                                                                              GMRA ESTONIA 047H
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              1/21/20         4293389       100% 1A
                                                                  LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z  LSF NEXTPECTATION 0083X
                                                                HXC DECLARATION 5504C  | LCOC ZARA TG004
                                                                                       BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                  HXC190Y              | HXC ELLIE MAY MA638
                                                                  BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384  BIEBER ROUGH RIDER 10712   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                GMRA ESTONIA 624       | BIEBER SHEBA 9602   46   5  41
                                                                                       BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249
                                                                  GMRA ESTONIA 747     | GMRA ESTONIA 228   96%  99%  29%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                  7  1.1  62  96  0.22  1.55  22  9  14  -1  13  0.38  0.11  36  0.06  0.01
                                                                 95%  91%  38%  41%  46%  65%  76%  84%  18%  99%  86%  49%  75%  7%  52%  32%
                                                                Bred to: GMRA GAME CHANGER 8270F (#3941443)    Due Date: 5/8/23
                                                                When you look at 047H the first thing you notice is the laser straight top-line and the smooth pro-
                                                                file. She is clean-fronted with abundant length and depth. Unfortunately her calf died unexpecedly
                                Lot 99                          this year, so there is no MPPA on file.

                                                                              GMRA ANGIE 0301H
                                                                              Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                              2/17/20         4293329       100% 1A
                                                                  LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z  LSF NEXTPECTATION 0083X
                                                                HXC DECLARATION 5504C  | LCOC ZARA TG004
                                                                                       BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                  HXC190Y              | HXC ELLIE MAY MA638
                                                                  FEDDES BOBCAT A230   BECKTON EPIC R397 K   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                GMRA ANGIE 654         | FEDDES LAKINA 91S   68  21  47
                                                                                       BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384
                                                                  GMRA ANGIE 338       | GMRA ANGIE 889     82%  96%  19%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 11  -0.1  66  115  0.30  1.74  24  17  13  7  11  0.44  0.19  32  -0.12  0.02
                                                                 72%  77%  21%  10%  5%  81%  61%  98%  30%  50%  92%  35%  95%  14%  87%  63%
                                                                Bred to: C-T PERFORMANCE 0135 (#4296309)    Due Date: 3/23/23
                                                                Angie 0301H is starting off her career with an MPPA of 100. She is looking to follow in the
                                                                footsteps of her high-performance maternal pedigree. Her dam features a 102 MPPA that goes back
                               Lot 100                          to 106 and 108 MPPA dams. The numbers showcase high-end growth.

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        36 – Big Sky Elite Female Sale
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