Page 40 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 40

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        Bred Femalesar-Olds
        Br   ed F    emale    e s ar - Olds
                                                                              C-T DAISY 0118
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              2/16/20         4454665       100% 1A
                                                                  3SCC DOMAIN A163     BECKTON DOMINOR T122 Z1
                                                               C-T DOMINATE 7067      | 3SCC EUCLA X723
                                                                                       GLACIER CHATEAU 744
                                                                  C-T VRDALE 1183     | CTDB VRDALE 012
                                                                  CBRA GRIDMASTER 9Z   LORENZEN NSRA REAL GRID 8426   ProS  HB  GM
                                                               DAISY                  | CBRA DARLYNNE 30S   83  46  36
                                                                                       BUF CRK ROMEO L081
                                                                  ODC PEARL P22       | ODC TWIN PEAKS      63%  74%  37%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                10  -0.1  67  103  0.22  1.66  27  0   8   5  16  0.39  0.05  32  0.22  0.01
                                                                78%  77%  19%  27%  42%  75%  39%  36%  94%  88%  59%  46%  41%  13%  21%  32%
                                                               Bred to: C-T BOURNE 9073 (#4120382)       Due Date: 2/25/23
                                                               A nice young Dominate cow. She produced a good bull calf on her first try and has lots of calves
                                                               left in her. She has a good maternal look with a wedge front end and a beautiful foot and udder set.
                    Lot 104 with her 2022 bull calf            EPDs with 10 traits in top 40%.

                                                                              FEDS BLOCKANA R11-0103
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              2/29/20         4289495       100% 1A
                                                                  MR COACH 20003       WOODHILL GAME DAY U6-Y98
                                                               MR COACH 1296          | MR DAWN 2507S
                                                                                       M R COLA 4118
                                                                  M R ROYAL 4077S     | M R ROYAL 5196S
                                                                  5L NORSEMAN KING 2291  VGW KING OF THE WEST   ProS  HB  GM
                                                               FEDDES BLOCKANA R11    | NORSEMAN 1312 PJM   99  61  38
                                                                                       HOLDEN HI HO 574
                                                                  FEDDES BLOCKANA 173  | FEDDES BLOCKANA 899   37%  49%  33%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 10  -0.8  48  82  0.22  1.38  25  -9  13  9  13  0.27  0.13  32  0.21  0.04
                                                                 76%  65%  86%  73%  49%  48%  48%  7%  25%  14%  87%  76%  81%  14%  22%  92%
                                                               Bred to: FEDDES COACH WOODEN 0237 (#4289099)    Due Date: 4/26/23
                                                               This one hurts to see go. We have been trying for years to acquire embryos from Feddes Blockana R11 and
                                                               were finally able to out of none other than MR Coach 1296. R11 was in production until 18 years old and
                               Lot 105                         maintained nearly a perfect udder and feet. MR Coach was the outcross sire coming from MR Angus that
                                                               we acquired semen on right away. He has since passed away and all the semen is now gone. There won’t be
                                                               very many Coach daughters for sale and surely none out of a cow like R11. She is bred to Coach Wooden
                                                               which would make the calf a double bred Coach 1296 calf. Wooden’s dam is Feddes Blockana C31 making
                                                               this calf a double bred Blockana as well. This could very well be the most exciting calf coming out of this
                                                               sale in 2022.  BIEBER ODA 375H
                                                                              Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              5/3/20          4324549       100% 1A
                                                                  BIEBER CL ATOMIC C218  ANDRAS FUSION R236
                                                               BIEBER DC WARHEAD F120  | BIEBER DATELINE 308Y
                                                                                       BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118
                                                                  BIEBER SURPRISE 243D  | BIEBER SURPRISE 288A
                                                                  BIEBER GLADIATOR C386  BIEBER SPARTACUS A193   ProS  HB  GM
                                                               BIEBER ODA 223F        | BIEBER LAURA 158W   77  34  42
                                                                                       LEACHMAN VISION A278Z
                                                                  BIEBER ODA 446D     | BIEBER ODA 204W     71%  87%  26%
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  DMI  M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA  FAT
                                                                 12  1.3  100  166  0.41  2.82  32  18  11  7  12  0.38  0.08  49  0.51  0.03
                                                                 50%  92%  1%  1%  1%  99%  7%  99%  52%  41%  88%  49%  59%  1%  2%  80%
                                                               Bred to: FEDDES DOMINATION C378-9355 (#4211382)    Due Date: 3/21/23
                                                               375H was our pick out of the Bieber sale last fall. She has exceptional growth numbers with
                                                               top 1% WW & YW. She has mass and is built well. She is bred to our exciting herd sire Feddes
                   Feddes Domination C378-9355,                Domination C378-9355 who could quite possibly be the best Domain son I’ve seen anywhere.
                          service sire to lots                 Domination’s mother was a crowd favorite in last year’s sale selling to Goodnight Red Angus. This
                                                               is an exciting mating that could pay for this cow the first year.
              10, 106, 108, 114, 116, 126, 152, 194, 195
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