Page 69 - Diamonds in the Desert-Vegas Premier Horse Sale – Dec. 3, 2022
P. 69

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        Bidding:                             Payment:                             Train
’s Gu“antee:
        Bidders have 4 options to bid: onsite, online, phone, or   Payment in full is required to be made to MM Auction   Based upon representations made solely by the horse
        agent bidding. See our “Register to Bid” page on our   Services immediately after the sale. Onsite bidders can pay   trainer, all horses consigned have passed our sifting process
        website to get registered for our next sale. All bidders must   by credit card, cash or check. A 3% convenience fee will   prior to the sale. All horses are sold guaranteed sound by
        be at least 18 years of age. Online bidders nor any pre-bids   be charged if payments are made with a credit or debit   the trainer only that at the time of sale the horse was sound
        will not have precedence over °oor bids. All bids are placed   card (4% international). Online and phone bidders have   of limb, wind, and eye unless other announcements are

        to the auctioneer and auctioneer accepts the ones he sees/  2 payment choices only, credit card or ACH (e-check).   made from the auction block. •is soundness guarantee
        hears “rst. Setting max bids online does not guarantee   Make sure you plan accordingly and notify your bank of   shall be exclusively between buyer and seller only and

        the bidder winning for that amount over a °oor bidder.   the charges. Any returned e-check charges will be accessed   does not include any other persons.  Buyer understands
        To avoid this happening, make sure your max is truly your   a $500 fee and required to wire the balance same day plus   and agrees that MM Auction Services is not responsible

        max or bid live online or by phone past your max. •e   the $500 fee. Any credit card payments declined by the   to perform any inspection or to independently con“rm or

        highest bidder is the buyer. If any dispute arises between   buyer’s bank for any reason will be assessed a $500 fee and   verify the soundness of Trainer’s horse.  Buyer understands
        or among two or more bidders, sole authority to settle the   required to wire the balance same day plus the $500 fee.   and agrees that MM Auction Services is unaware of
        dispute as he sees “t is reserved by the auctioneer and the   International bidders have 2 payment options of credit/  the condition of Trainer’s horse, and therefore is relying

        decisions shall be “nal. Seller reserves the right to waive   debit card (4% convenience fee) or wire transfer only. By   solely upon representations made by Trainer regarding
        the sale (bids) of his/her horse before it leaves the ring. •e   making payment, you acknowledge that you waive the   the condition of the horse and that the horse is sound.

        auctioneer reserves the right to reject any or all bids. •e   right for a return of horse(s) along with any and all refunds   All soundness guarantees do not include any time period
        auctioneer completes sale of a horse at the fall of the gavel.   of monies paid etc. in conjunction with any purchases at   following the sale including transportation. Buyers are
        We reserve the right to refuse bidding to anyone. Anyonene   this sale/auction from MM Auction Services, LLC DBA   encouraged to purchase equine insurance within 24
        can/will be asked to leave or banned from bidding if   Premier Horse Sales. MM Auction Services is a pass-  hours of sale time to protect their investments. Shall
        problems arise.                      through agency and does not hold funds for guarantees,   any soundness disputes arise; the buyer must contact the
        • International Bidders: Register onsite, online, or by   returns or refunds of monies paid on animals purchased   seller and settle the dispute between the two of them
          phone. A letter from your bank is required to be an   at auction. All current county and state sales tax rates will   and Buyer agrees to indemnify, release and hold harmless
          approved bidder. Email a letter on your banks letterhead   be applied to all winning bids. In order to be tax exempt,   MM Auction Services, Colby or Codi Gines, Premier

          stating you bank with them and all accounts are in good   appropriate forms will need to be “lled out and to our   Horse Sales, to and from any claims, liability or damages
          standing. Email to   o‚ce BEFORE sale day or exemption will not be granted.   which may be asserted by buyer of the horse on account

        •  Onsite Bidders: Register at the sale o‚ce anytime by   All buyers agree to not place any kind of charge back on   of any breach of warranty, breach of promise or alleged

          bringing your driver’s license and credit card as a form   any payment made towards the purchase of any horse.   misrepresentation. In the event it is determined that the

          of payment to have on “le whether you plan to pay this                  defect was present at the time of sale, the trainer is required
’s Gu“antee:

          way or not.                                                             to trade the buyer a horse of same value. If the horse is
        •  Online Bidders: Online Bidding is provided by                          determined not to have the alleged defect, the sale of said
                                             Bidder’s guarantee to not request x-rays, vet exams, or any
          our company, MM Auction Services, LLC. Go to                            horse is valid and enforceable and purchaser assumes all
                                             images or content from any vet after purchasing a horse.

 and you can “nd it under                         costs of examination, treatment, and sale purchase price.
                                             Bidder’s guarantee to get all exams and images needed from
          current auctions at that link. Click on “Buyer Resources”               Soundness does not guarantee pass of a check by any vet
                                             a vet prior to bidding or registering for this sale allowing

          to get started or call with questions. •ere will be a                   or trainer following the sale. Buyers are to ride and visit
                                             them to have the con“dence prior to the horse selling in

          1% online buyers fee applied to all online winning                      the horse before the sale giving them con“dence they need
                                             order to bid. Bidder’s guarantee that when they click to
          bids. You’ll need to create an account with our online                  to bid come sale day. If they want additional x-rays, they
                                             bid online or say “yes” by phone bidding, they will pay the
          platform “rst. Once we have veri“ed your accounts with                  need to have them completed before the sale at their own

                                             fees listed below even if they determine they “didn’t mean”
          your bank, we will send you an “approval to bid” email.                 expense. •e buyer understands and agrees that the trainer

                                             to bid or call it an accident. If you click to bid online, you
          Watch for emails in your spam folder. If bidder refuses                 of each animal (not MM Auction Services nor Premier
                                             are entering a legal binding contract. It doesn’t matter
          to pay their invoice in full, the same fees for loss of                 Horse Sales) represents and warrants to the buyer, Premier
                                             whether you bid accidentally or someone else bids for you
          income and distress listed below will be applied to online              Horse Sales, MM Auction Services LLC to include but
                                             under your account. Same goes for phone bidding. We call
          bidders as well.                                                        not limited to the following:
                                             the number you provide and the person on the other end
        •  Phone Bidders & Absentee Bidders: Serious buyers                       •  Title of the animal, free from all claims of ownership

                                             is the bidder and has “nal say. Bidding and winning but

          only! •ere will be a 2% buyer’s premium fee applied to                  •  Sound of limb, eyes, and wind
                                             not paying for the horse will result in fees due for loss of
          all phone and absentee winning bids. To bid on more                     •  Not a cribber or wind sucker
                                             income to both the seller and MM Auction Services, LLC.
          than 4 horses, you are required to “rst pay $100 per                    •  Not cryptorchid

                                             •  8% of the determined sale price to MM Auction
          additional head to bid. •is payment is non-refundable                   •  Not pregnant

                                              Services for loss of income and distress
          but will be applied to your “nal statement if you                       •  Be exactly what they represent them to be.

                                             •  2% of the determined sale price to MM Auction

          purchase a horse. In order to bid, you will need to “ll                 •  If said horse is not what the trainer represents it to be,
                                              Services for pain and distress
          out our phone/absentee bidding form to submit with a                     Trainer will take the horse back and give the buyers a
                                             •  $500 nomination fee to the seller for loss of income &
          copy of your driver’s license. Our clerks will contact you               horse that they claimed to have purchased. A decision

          for a form of payment to have on “le. New bidders need                   needs to be made based on what is best for both parties.
                                             •  $500 advertising fees to the seller for loss of income &
          to provide us with their bank contact information, last                  Whether the buyer did their homework or not, will
          4 digits of bank account number, and copy of driver’s                    also be taken into consideration. Buyers are required to
                                             •  $10,000 training fees to the seller for loss of income &
          license. If bidder refuses to pay their invoice in full, the             contact the seller only to resolve any situations.
          same fees for loss of income and distress listed below
                                             •  $3,500 travel fees to the seller for loss of income &
          will be applied to phone bidders as well.

        •  Agent Bidders: Buyer and agent are required to “ll out
          the Agent’s Authorization Form and include a copy of
          the agent and bidder’s driver’s license. Our clerks will

          contact the buyer for a form of payment to have on “le.
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