Page 5 - Carl Dethlefs & Sons Angus Bull Sale – Jan. 14, 2023
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Why use an age-advantaged bull?
Are you … We do the hardest part for you!
- Tired of buying over-conditioned yearling bulls that fall apart during When you receive one of our bulls, he is mature, in the right condition,
the breeding season? and ready to go to work. His hardest year is already past him. He will be
- Questioning if your yearling bull will be able to cover your mature able to …
cows? - Be trusted to service mature cows his first breeding season
- Afraid that your yearling bull won’t be able to service very many - Be able to service many more cows his first breeding season
cows? - Hold his body condition a lot easier throughout the season
- Last the whole breeding season, not wear out halfway through
There is nothing wrong with using a yearling bull; however, you are
often asking that bull to do a lot. More often than not, the bull has been Reasons to use Dethlefs bulls ...
fed a high concentrate diet and pushed until the time of the sale.
- We don’t “push” our bulls, so they are not over-conditioned come
These young bulls, sometimes not much over a year of age, are turned sale time.
out and expected to go to work going from a high concentrate diet to a - They aren’t in a lot. They are out on pasture getting plenty of
forage diet. exercise until sale time.
On top of that, that yearling bull is still growing and maturing. His - Our cow herd is expected to survive the same way a commercial
nutrient requirements are going to be a lot higher than a mature animal. herd does – have good dispositions, calve unassisted, raise a heavy
calf and re-breed in a timely manner year after year.
Therefore, he will often lose weight during the breeding season, and will - We don’t breed solely for EPDs like many do. Instead we focus on
need more supplement over the winter to be ready for the next breeding breeding sound, functional cattle that look the part.
season. - We equally value growth, carcass and maternal traits in our cattle.
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