Page 3 - Hunt's Brangus Bull & Female Production Sale – Feb. 25, 2023
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2 0 2 3 Pr o f ess io nal Ca ttlemen ’s Bull & F emale Sale    –   Ca ttle wi th So me thing EXTR A!
                        2023 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull & Female Sale  –  Cattle with Something EXTRA!
                                      Saturday, February 25, 2023


        SALE WEEK SCHEDULE                                     TRUCKING
           Friday, February 24, 2023                                FREE HAULING anywhere on bull purchases by any individual buyer
             3:00 p.m.  ............................................................Animals on Display  of $14,000 or more. This can be one or multiple bulls. These animals
                                                                    must all be registered to the same person.
           Saturday, February 25, 2023                              Additionally, we guarantee a maximum trucking cost of $400 per bull
             8:00 a.m. .............................................................Animals on Display  within the states of GA, NC, SC, AL, FL, and TN if  arrangements are
             11:00-12:30 p.m. ............................................. Complimentary Meal  made with us prior to the sale. For other states we will be glad to
             1:00 p.m.  ........................................................................Sale begins  assist with transportation and will get your bull delivered as economi-
        SALE DAY PHONES                                             cally as possible.
             Wesley Hunt ............................................................... 770-548-7950  FREE HAULING ON BULLS TO:
             Jamey Hunt ................................................................ 678-986-4825  Free hauling will be available to the Westminster, South Carolina area.
             Seth Hunt ................................................................... 770-548-1667  SALE HOTELS AND MOTELS
             TJ Bunch .................................................................... 770-548-2876  La Quinta
             Kyle Waters ................................................................ 770-710-7692  150 Cracker Barrel Dr, Calhoun, GA 30701 ................ 706-629-2559
             Jimmy Fetner ............................................................. 334-863-0115  Fairfield Inn
             Seth Waldroup ........................................................... 864-280-2049  1002 Highway 53 SE, Calhoun, GA 30701 ................. 706-629-8002
             Luke Mobley, Auctioneer ............................................ 205-270-0999  Country Inn & Suites
        LIVE BROADCAST AND ONLINE BIDDING                           1033 Highway 53 East SE, Calhoun, GA 30701 .......... 706-625-6500
                                                                    Holiday Inn Express
                                                                    125 Hampton Dr SE, Calhoun, GA 30701 ................... 706-629-8566
             DVAuction will carry the sale and you may register with   Super 8
             them and follow the sale live and bid via the internet.  115 Hampton Dr SE, Calhoun, GA 30701 ................... 706-629-0999
    .......................................................... 402-316-5460  DIRECTIONS TO CALHOUN STOCKYARD
        WAYS TO BID                                                 From Atlanta:
             1. Attend the sale                                     I-75 North to Exit 310 Union Grove Rd. Turn Left and take
             2. DVAuction                                           Union Grove Rd to GA Hwy 53. Turn Left onto GA Hwy 53
             3. Call us and arrange to have a someone relay your bid   and go West for 1 mile. Your destination will be on your
             live at the auction.                                   left.
             4. Call  us to arrange to have a buyer-representative bid
             for you. (Your budget, your specification, your satisfaction   From Chattanooga:
             guaranteed)                                            I-75 South to Ga Hwy 53 West, exit 312. Turn Right and
        CLAIMS FOR ADJUSTMENTS                                      go West for 7 miles. Your destination will be on your left.
             Claims for adjustment must be made in writing to the seller
             within 6 (six) months of the sale date. All settlements will   From Rome, GA/Alabama:
             be made with credit at a future sale and this will, in any and   Take GA Hwy 53 North toward Calhoun. In 17 miles your
             all cases, be deemed full satisfaction and settlement.  destination will be on your right.
        LIABILITY                                              THE CALHOUN STOCKYARD
             All persons attending this sale do so at their own risk. Nei-  2270 Rome Rd. SW
             ther Hunt’s Brangus nor anyone connected with manage-  Calhoun, GA 30701
             ment of the sale assume liability, legally or otherwise, for   706-629-1900
             safety of buildings or premises, or for behavior of animals.  VIDEO PRODUCTION
        COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH                                         Square One Agri-Marketing
             A complimentary lunch will be served from 11:00-12:30  Tyler Ertzberger
                                                               CATALOG DESIGN
                                                                    Cow Camp Promotions

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