Page 3 - DK Red Angus Bull and Heifer Production Sale – March 4, 2023
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Sale Information
              “Top Coming-To-Town” Production Sale Saturday, March 4, 2023

                        Complimentary Lunch at 12:30 p.m. • Sale at 2 p.m. CST • Sitting Bull Auction, Williston, ND

        Sale Day Phones:                                       Volume Discount:
        Sitting Bull Auction, Williston, ND .................................................701-572-6701  Three or more bulls purchased = 5% discount
        Scott Kueffler’s Cell .......................................................................701-641-0519  Terms:
        Auctioneer:                                            Terms of the sale are cash or check payable immediately upon conclusion of the
        Amber Haugland ...........................................................................701-641-8792  sale and before animals will be moved. Seller will reserve the right to require
        Ringmen:                                               a certified check as settlement before releasing any cattle. All animals are the
        Loren Sorenson ..........................................701-694-2627 or 701-641-1140 cell  owner’s risk prior to their sale and become the property of the purchaser as
        Will Bollum, Western Ag Reporter ................................................507-244-0833  soon as declared sold by the auctioneer.
        Scott Bachmeier ............................................................................701-425-6651  Guarantee:
        Scott Dirk, Tri-State Livestock News .............................................605-380-6024  The bulls are guaranteed to be sound breeders. You may semen test or test
        Phone Orders: Ben Eaton ..............................................................701-570-9386  breed them prior to breeding season and make your own evaluation. Any bull
        Rachael Oliver, Red Angus Association of America .......................406-480-1569  sold that fails to prove himself a breeder may be returned to the seller after no-
        Haugland’s Auction Service & Sitting Bull Auction      tification by the buyer of the condition within five months of sale date. If a bull
        Scrotal Measurements and Ultrasound Data:              is proven unable to breed, the buyer will be given a full refund of purchase price
        Scrotal measurements and carcass ultrasound data will be available sale day.  or a replacement bull as acceptable to the buyer or credit in next year’s sale.
        Semen Interest:
        DK Red Angus is retaining 1/3 semen interest in all bulls. The retained semen   We will guarantee bulls for the first breeding season which will end as of Sept.
        interest allows us to collect semen, use semen in our herd, and share in rev-  1st in the year of purchase. If a bull is injured permanently and unable to breed
        enue of semen sales. Full possession and full salvage value sells on all bulls.   cows, we will replace him or give credit in next year’s sale, less salvage of the
                                                               injured bull.
        Delivery is free to U.S. central locations within 600 miles. We will work with you   In no case will the seller be responsible for more than actual purchase price.
        on further distances. $50 refund per bull picked up within one week of the sale,   The seller’s guarantee does not apply if the animal in question has developed to
        or $25 refund per bull picked up after April 25 at the ranch. If you purchase two   be a problem breeder due to negligence or improper management by the buyer.
        or more heifers, free 600-mile delivery applies.       Heifers are guaranteed open and able to breed.
        Feeding:                                               Announcements:
        We will feed the yearling bulls free of charge until April 25 and have the bulls   Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over printed mat-
        semen tested at our expense. After April 25, there will be a $2-per-day charge.  ter in this catalog.
        Genetic Defects:                                       Liability:
        We have collected DNA samples on every bull in the sale with any known ge-  All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk and the owner and sale
        netic defect carrier in the first three generations. The bull tested negative unless   manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents which may occur.
        otherwise noted.
          Osteopetrosis (OS) “Marble-Bone Disease”                           Performance Codes
          OSF – Tested “free” of the genetic defect            Red Angus Categories:
          OSC – Tested positive as an Osteopetrosis “carrier”  Category 1A ..............100% Red Angus • Category 1B  87% to 99% Red Angus
        Calving-Ease Recommendations:                          Performance Information:
        Each bull has been designated with a star rating to assist you in determing the   BW ............................Actual Birth Weight
        calving-ease of each bull. We have based our recommendations on EPDs, per-  WW ...........................205-Day Adjusted Weaning Weight
        formance, phenotype and bloodlines, but please use your judgement as well.  ADG ..........................Average-Daily-Gain on Test
          HHH  Recommended for heifers                         YW ............................365-Day Adjusted Yearling Weight
           HH  Recommended for larger heifers and cows         WDA ..........................Weight-Per-Day-of-Age over Lifetime
             H  Recommended for cows only                      Dam’s Age .................Age of the Dam When Calf was Born
        Bidding:                                               Dam’s MPPA .............Dam’s Most Probable Producing Ability is a ratio that
        All animals sell to the highest bidder. Any dispute or challenges regarding bids   measures her ability to produce milk for her calf and her
        will be settled by the auctioneer and his decision will be final.     contribution of genetics to the calf.

                                                                 Promotion & Catalog: Cow Camp Promotions •
                                                                              Printing: United Printing, Bismarck, ND
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