Page 26 - Chrome in the Canyon Mule Sale – May 6, 2023
P. 26

Sale Terms & Conditions

        Sifting Process @ the Sale           The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The   Utah Sales Tax: Garfield County, Utah, Sales Tax if point of

        •   Sound of limb – visible unsoundness, structural problems   auctioneer completes sale of a horse at the fall of the gavel.   sale is in Utah is 8.1%
          or unsoundness, including but not limited to ringbone   We reserve the right to refuse bidding to anyone.
          (not to be construed for a pre-purchase exam).  •  Online Bidding: is provided by our company MM   MM Auction Services will be collecting money for all
        •  Sound in wind (no cribber or wind sucker)  Auction Services, LLC. Go to   purchases through our office in Wyoming. If you choose to
        •  Arena work – Catch, bridle, saddle, pickup all 4-feet easily,   and you can find it under current auctions at that link.   pay at the sale by cash or personal check, taxes are applicable
          ride off with tight cinch – lope away no problem.  Click on “How it Works” to get started or call with   unless tax exemption form is provided to the office before the
        •  Minor abrasions, cuts, or sores may be sifted unless it is   questions. There will be a 1% online buyers fee applied to   sale begins.
          likely to heal normally without veterinarian treatment and   all online winning bids. Online bidders have 2 payment   Private Sales:
          cause no long-term threat.           choices, credit card or ACH (e-check). We do charge a
        •  Trainer understands that if their mule doesn’t pass all   3% convenience fee to pay with a credit card or debit card   Absolutely no private sales with trainers either prior to the
          stages of Premier Mule Sales’ sifting process, they will   (International 4%). Make sure you plan accordingly and   sale or after the auction. Trainers have given MM Auction
          be pulled from the sale and consignment fee is forfeited.   notify your bank of the charges. Any returned e-check   Services, LLC Exclusive Rights for selling the consigned
          Sifting includes the trail course and any other events MM   charges will be accessed a $500 fee and required to wire   mules. All mules brought to the sale must go through the
          Auction Services sees fit. If we decide they’re out, they are   the balance same day plus the $500 fee. International   auction ring. Any mules “no sold” in the ring but sold outside
          OUT! Bring your BEST!                bidders have 2 payment options of credit/debit card (4%   are expected to report it to the office. We will leave it up to
                                               convenience fee) or wire transfer. Once we have confirmed   the integrity of the seller to make sure this happens so the
        Sale Exam                              you are a customer in good standing with your bank, we   seller will be welcome back to the sale.
        •  Trainers are required to provide a sale/soundness exam   will send you an “approval to bid” email. Watch for emails   Trainer’s Guarantee:
          completed by a licensed veterinarian no less than 2 weeks   in your spam folder.
          prior to sale day to our office via email. This exam will be   •  Phone Bidding & Absentee Bidding: Serious buyers only!   Based upon representations made solely by the mule trainer,
          viewable on each mules profile page on our website.  There will be a 2% buyer’s premium fee applied to all   all mules consigned have passed our sifting process prior
        •  X-rays – A vet will be on site for all Buyers imaging needs.   phone and absentee winning bids. To bid on more than   to the sale. All mules are sold guaranteed sound by the
          Buyers understand that if they want any images of mules,   4 mules, you must first pay $100 per additional head to   trainer only that at the time of sale the mule was sound of
          they will schedule with the vet and trainer to have those   bid. This payment is non-refundable but will be applied   limb, wind, and eye unless other announcements are made
          done ahead of sale day at buyer’s expense.  to your final statement if you purchase a mule. In order to   from the auction block. This soundness guarantee shall
        •  As provided in the Standard Conditions of Sale contained   bid, you will need to fill out our Phone/Absentee Bidding   be exclusively between buyer and seller only and does not
          in the Sales Catalogue and on our website, each Lot   Form. All registered phone bidders are required to provide   include any other persons.  Buyer understands and agrees
          purchased is purchased, at the fall of the hammer, with   us with a payment form prior to bidding. New bidders   that MM Auction Services is not responsible to perform
          all defects and deficiencies, latent and patent, subject to   need to provide us with their bank contact information,   any inspection or to independently confirm or verify the
          the exceptions set out in the said Standard Terms and   bank account number (last 4 digits), and copy of driver’s   soundness of Trainer’s mule.  Buyer understands and agrees
          Conditions of Sale, or, announced prior to the auction   license.       that MM Auction Services is unaware of the condition
          of a Lot. The Buyer acknowledges that it is his sole   •  Agent Bidding: Buyer and agent are required to fill out   of Trainer’s mule, and therefore is relying solely upon
          responsibility to determine the quality, accuracy and   the Agent’s Authorization Form completed with a notary   representations made by Trainer regarding the condition
          completeness of the Pre-purchase Exam and to obtain   signature. Both the authorization form and registration   of the mule and that the mule is sound.  All soundness
          independent advice with respect thereto from a registered   form need to be emailed to   guarantees do not include any time period following the sale
          veterinarian.                        along with a copy of the agent and bidder’s driver’s license.   including transportation. Buyers are encouraged to purchase
                                                                                  equine insurance to protect their investments. Shall any
        Bidding:                             Payment:                             soundness disputes arise; the buyer must contact the seller
        Bidders have 4 options to bid: onsite, online, phone, or agent   Payment in full is required to be made to MM Auction   and settle the dispute between the two of them and Buyer
        bidding. See our “Register to Bid” page to get registered   Services immediately after the sale by credit card, cash,   agrees to indemnify, release and hold harmless MM Auction
        for our next sale. New Bidders are required to provide bank   check, or e-check. International purchases are payable only   Services, Colby or Codi Gines, Chrome in the Canyon
        contact information, and bank account number (last 4 digits)   by credit/debit card or wire transfer. A 3% convenience fee   Premier Mule Sale, or Bryce Canyon Mule Days to and
        so we can verify your account in order to obtain a bidder   will be charged if payments are made with a credit or debit   from any claims, liability or damages which may be asserted
        number. Please know that all online & phone bidders must   card (4% international). By making payment with your card,   by buyer of the mule on account of any breach of warranty,
        be registered by noon the day before the sale. Any online   you acknowledge that you waive the right for a return of   breach of promise or alleged misrepresentation. In the event
        or phone bidders trying to register after this deadline, are   mule(s) along with any and all refunds of monies paid, etc.   it is determined that the defect was present at the time of
        not guaranteed to bid. All bidders must be at least 21 years   in conjunction with any purchases at this sale/auction from   sale, the trainer is required to trade the buyer a mule of same
        of age. The highest bidder is the buyer. If any dispute arises   MM Auction Services, LLC. MM Auction Services is a   value. If the mule is determined not to have the alleged
        between or among two or more bidders, sole authority to   pass-through agency and does not hold funds for guarantees,   defect, the sale of said mule is valid and enforceable and
        settle the dispute as he sees fit is reserved by the auctioneer   returns or refunds of monies paid on animals purchased at   purchaser assumes all costs of examination, treatment, and
        and the decisions shall be final. Seller reserves the right to   auction. All buyers agree to not place any kind of charge back   sale purchase price. Soundness does not guarantee pass of a
        waive the sale (bids) of his/her mule before it leaves the ring.   on any payment made towards the purchase of a mule.  check by any vet or trainer following the sale. Buyers are to

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