Page 9 - Oland Annual Red Angus Angus Bull Bull Sale – May 6, 2023
P. 9


                Red Angus                                                              Red Angus Bulls

                                                                 6 6     OLAND EPIC 242           103.0     7     8
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:

                                                                           REG. #
                                                                                 100% 1A
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          3/13/22  76   594 103     1003  101  2.54
                                                                            BECKTON EPIC K F075  |  BECKTON EPIC D404
                                                                           BECKTON EPIC R397 K    BECKTON BELGA D483 KR
                                                                            BECKTON KIT F468 JL   BECKTON JULIAN GG B571
                                                                                                 | BECKTON KIT A517 NP
                                                                            5L BLAZIN NORSE 1134-222W  5L NORSEMAN KING 2291
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  JACOBSON HEIDI 2154  | 5L TESS 5166-1134
                                                                109  57  51  JACOBSON HEIDI 0154  SCOTT HARD DRIVE 816
                                                                25%  45%  23%                    | JACOBSON HEDI 8094
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 8  0.0  64  104  0.25  1.41  26  4  13  5  16  0.54  0.11  27  0.19  0.04
                                                                94%  83%  37%  34%  32%   46%  42%  53%  24%  89%  39%  23%  73%  34%  36%  86%
                                                               •  Are you a fan of old school pedigrees? Check out this Epic going back to Norseman King on the
                                                                bottom side.
                                Lot 6                          •  One of the most balanced set of numbers in the sale to go along with the body and presence of
                                                                a herd bull.
                                                               •  This is 2154’s natural calf. She’s 11 years old and still has a terrific udder. If you retain replace-
                                                                ment heifers, take a long look here. Maternal brother sells as Lot 4.
                                                                  7 7    OLAND MERLIN 206         96.0      7     8
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:
                                                                           REG. #

                                                                                 100% 1A
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          2/26/22  66  560  ET      985   ET   2.66
                                                                            LJC MERLIN T179      |  LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                           WFL MERLIN 018A        BUF CRK REDPRIDE N179
                                                                            WFL COMMITMENT 042Y   BROWN COMMITMENT S7206
                                                                                                 | WFL JEWELMAKER 9024
                                                                            5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  JACOBSON CALLIE 4058  | 5L ADINA 195-3267
                                                                 88  54  34  JACOBSON             SCOTT INCUMBENT P13-792
                                                                58%  52%  58%                    | JACOBSON DREAM M53
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -3.7  66   99  0.21  1.00  31  -3  10  8  14  0.39 -0.11  14  0.27 -0.02
                                                                24%  18%  30%  46%  65%   16%  12%  23%  70%  24%  74%  54%  3%  83%  21%  3%
                                                               •  Second bull of this flush and he’s almost a spitting image of his Lot 3 brother.
                                Lot 7                          •  If you like your heifer bulls long and dark red with a ton of body, tie into one of these four flush
                                                               •  Full brothers sell as Lots 3, 11 and 19.

                                                                 8 8     OLAND BOURNE 201         99.0      7     8

                                                                           REG. #
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:
                                                                                 99.8% 1B
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          2/23/22  78  561  97      980   98   2.62
                                                                            5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y  |  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                           5L BOURNE 117-48A      5L ADINA 195-3267
                                                                            5L ROXIE 854-117      5L SIGNATURE 5615
                                                                                                 | XXX ROXIE 854 MR
                                                                            ROUSE EPITOME A33     BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  STRA MARIAS 620  | GHR FLOWER T21
                                                                 91  57  34  STRA MISS LIGHTNING 231  MAJESTIC LIGHTNING 717 SGMR
                                                                53%  46%  58%                    | BAR R MISS MAYOR LEAGUE 521
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 12  -2.6  67  104  0.23  1.49  28  4  16  6  14  0.49  0.15  22  0.05  0.04
                                                                57%  34%  27%  35%  46%   53%  27%  54%  2%  75%  66%  33%  89%  55%  67%  93%
                                                               •  201 has been one of our favorites all winter.
                                Lot 8                          •  This bull is going to have high libido and get a lot of cows bred. He’s always walking the fence
                                                                checking out the ladies.
                                                               •  He’s another dark featured bull with a lot middle and check out his true angus skull.
                                                               •  Dam is one of the first cows to calve every year. She just gets it done, consistently raising good
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