Page 7 - Oland Annual Red Angus Angus Bull Bull Sale – May 6, 2023
P. 7


                Red Angus                                                              Red Angus Bulls

                                                                  1 1    OLAND SENECA 218         105.0     7     7
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:
                                                                           REG. #

                                                                                 100% 1A
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          2/28/22  86   615 107     1123  113  3.17
                                                                            BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118  |  BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384
                                                                           RREDS SENECA 731C      BIEBER TILLY 399W
                                                                            RREDS ASTER 309A      BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                                                 | MLK CRK ASTER 175
                                                                            RIDGE ACES 5030       RED CROWFOOT 4ACES 2193Z
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  JACOBSON RITZY 7148  | RIDGE SHEILA 009-9015
                                                                 86  75  11  RED MS. RITZY 242    KCC RICARDO 803U
                                                                60%  14%  94%                    | RED 3301
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 10  -0.1  72  111  0.25  1.68  23  1  13  5  18  0.20  0.13  26  0.22  0.05
                                                                85%  81%  13%  21%  36%   72%  70%  35%  24%  86%  16%  94%  83%  38%  30%  96%
                                                               •  Stud. If you’re looking to move your breeding program forward, take a serious look here.
                        Lot 1                                  •  This bull is what we’re striving to produce. He has been the standout since last spring and he
                                                                hasn’t looked back, flooring it to the heaviest yearling weight.
                                                               •  He really puts it all together, he’s deep sided, bold sprung, wide topped, massive hipped and ties
                                                                all this performance together in a structurally correct, attractive package.
                                 Lot 1 in June                 •  Dam is a big hipped, long bodied cow that looks the same year-round, she’s always in good shape.
                                                                  2 2    OLAND SENECA 217         105.0     8     8
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:
                                                                           REG. #

                                                                                 100% 1A
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          2/28/22  72   583 101     1050  105  2.92
                                                                            BIEBER ROLLIN DEEP Y118  |  BIEBER ROOSEVELT W384
                                                                           RREDS SENECA 731C      BIEBER TILLY 399W
                                                                            RREDS ASTER 309A      BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                                                 | MLK CRK ASTER 175
                                                                            5L MTN SIGN 435-10Z   5L ADVOCATE 817-14W
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  JACOBSON AMELIA 5160  | 5L LAKOTA 1583-435
                                                                 96  71  25  LAZYJ MISS AMELIA 108-9031  5L BLAZIN NORSE 1134-222W
                                                                43%  19%  75%                    | JACOBSON MS TAMY 9031
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -3.1  64  103  0.24  1.61  24  3  12  8  18  0.28  0.15  29  0.18  0.05
                                                                24%  26%  36%  38%  41%   65%  65%  47%  45%  33%  22%  82%  90%  27%  39%  96%
                                                               •  Absolutely love how this bull is put together. This guy has the kind of length of body we strive
                                Lot 2                          to produce.
                                                               •  Here’s a heifer bull that performs like a cow bull and has that great dark red color. You’ll really
                        appreciate how this bull moves and his overall skeletal design.
                       •  His dam is one of those cows that always has her calf by her side, she’s an exceptional mother. Couple her mothering ability along with her near perfect bag, jet black feet
                        and fleshing ability and you’ll see why it’s no wonder she’s on her way to the donor pen.

                                                                  3 3    OLAND MERLIN 203         96.0      7     8

                                                                           REG. #
                                                                                  CATEGORY:  DAM’S AGE:  DAM’S MPPA:  UDDER SUSP:  TEAT:
                                                                                 100% 1A
                                                                           BIRTH DATE   BW:   WW:   WR:   YW:   YR:   ADG:
                                                                          2/25/22  80   606  ET     1036  ET   2.69
                                                                            LJC MERLIN T179      |  LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                           WFL MERLIN 018A        BUF CRK REDPRIDE N179
                                                                            WFL COMMITMENT 042Y   BROWN COMMITMENT S7206
                                                                                                 | WFL JEWELMAKER 9024
                                                                            5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  JACOBSON CALLIE 4058  | 5L ADINA 195-3267
                                                                 88  54  34  JACOBSON             SCOTT INCUMBENT P13-792
                                                                58%  52%  58%                    | JACOBSON DREAM M53
                                                                 CED  BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 15  -3.7  66   99  0.21  1.00  31  -3  10  8  14  0.39 -0.11  14  0.27 -0.02
                                                                24%  18%  30%  46%  65%   16%  12%  23%  70%  24%  74%  54%  3%  83%  21%  3%
                                                               •  Here’s the first bull of this awesome flush with Merlin and our 4058 Advantage cow.
                                Lot 3                          •  203 catches your eye every time you walk in the pen. He’s got all the frame and performance you
                                                               could want in a heifer bull.
                       •  Full brothers sell as Lots 7, 11 and 19.
                       •  Donor dam is one of our favorite cows. Her first calf was Jacobson Citizen 6009 that is a herd sire for Sonstegard Red Angus. She also raised our Front and Center 925 herd
                        bull that we continue to use natural service. She produced 20 viable embryos on this flush and bred back right away. Did we mention she’s got great feet and a terrific udder?
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