Page 55 - Best of Texas Premier Horse Sale – Aug. 26, 2023
P. 55

Sale Terms & Conditions

        Liability:                           Auction Services, LLC & its associates act as agents   delivers said agreement to MM Auction Services, LLC
        Buyers, sellers, and spectators are cautioned to   only and are not responsible for buyer/seller error or   and Colby and Codi Gines and declares them free of
        exercise care while attending the sale and enter   misunderstanding. All guarantees are for the benefit   any and all claims. If any claim or dispute is asserted
        premises at their own risk according to the laws of   and reliance by buyers and are strictly between the   or arises out of or over the sale or consignment of
        the state in which the sale is held (Florida, Nevada,   buyer and the seller of the horse. All animals are   any lot or animal sold at auction, it is agreed that
        Texas, or Wyoming). Neither the owners nor any   sold “As Is”. In further consideration of this sale, I   venue for any dispute shall be resolved exclusively
        other persons connected with this sale assume any   agree to indemnify and defend Premier Horse Sales,   in the Courts in the State of Wyoming, and that
        liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents to persons   MM Auction Services, LLC, Colby & Codi Gines,   Wyoming law shall control this transaction or any
        or property, before, during, or after the sale. Colby   their agents and associates, from all injury, loss of   claims or disputes which arise directly or indirectly
        & Codi Gines, Premier Horse Sales, MM Auction   equipment, loss of animal or damages to myself,   out of this transaction in all respects. By purchasing
        Services, LLC; its principals, directors, officers,   my animals or damages or injury to others lien   a horse at Premier Horse Sales and/or executing
        agents, employees and volunteers, and each and   property from my animals, by entering this horse   this instrument, I verify that I have read the above
        every landowner, municipal and/or government   sale whether by negligence, breach of warranty, or   information/terms & conditions in full and hereby
        agency upon whose property this activity is   any misrepresentation which is alleged to have been   agree to be bound by them.
        conducted, shall not be liable for injuries sustained   made about the soundness of any animal sold at the
        by anyone attending the Premier Horse Sales. MM   sale . The undersigned by executing this instrument

                               By bidding on and/or purchasing a horse at Premier Horse Sales,
                                I verify that I understand all terms & conditions and agree to be
                                          bound by them whether I read them or not.

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                                                       Thank you, Buyers!

                                                                       for trusting our
                                                           trainers and MM Auction Services

                                                             with your new horse purchase.
                                                             Be sure and keep us updated &

                                                     email us pictures of your new adventures.
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