Page 3 - Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Auction – Feb. 3, 2024
P. 3
49th Annual Production Sale
Private Treaty Opening Day
Saturday, February 3, 2024
1:00 p.m. sharp in heated building
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Red Angus • Red Simmental • Red SimAngus™
100 Bulls
Purebred and Percentage • Affordably priced at $3,800, $4,000 or $4,200
• Buy your bulls February 3 and we’ll keep, feed, vacci- • If you cannot take your bulls when deliveries are made
nate, carcass ultrasound & semen test. in your area, you may pick them up at Loonan’s later
(prior to June 15). Let us know.
• You may pick up your bulls after testing and prior to
June 15 or, Loonans will deliver – free – up to 300 miles • Bulls not sold February 3 will remain on sale until sold
when in your area (over 300 miles, please inquire). out, as in previous years.
• Delivery will begin April 1 and be completed by May 10 • If you cannot be present February 3, we will have a
when we start our AI season. representative on-hand to handle written and phone
requests on a “least cost” basis. Satisfaction guaranteed.
A-BAG-A-BULL If you purchase a bull from us, we will provide you with credit equal
to the value of one bag of Feeder Calf Certifi cation Program or Allied
Access tags for each bull you purchase. To redeem your credit, bring
your receipt for the tags to next year’s sale and we will apply it to
your bull purchase.
The FCCP provides age, source and genetic verifi cation for calves
sired by registered Red Angus bulls. The FCCP ‘yellow tags’ are
recognized by buyers nationwide and return a premium for Red
Angus calves enrolled in the program.
The Allied Access program provides age and source verifi cation
for commercial cattlemen whose bull battery does not exclusively
contain registered Red Angus bulls. Whether you are utilizing
multiple sire breeds or halfblood bulls, enrolling in Allied Access
demonstrates to buyers that you are taking an extra step in marketing
your calves and adding value throughout the production chain.
To enroll in the FCCP or Allied Access, contact the Red Angus
marketing department. Enrollment is simple and free of charge. • 940-477-4593