Page 7 - Seeger & Rusch Red Angus Bred Heifer Sale – Dec. 18, 2024
P. 7

Red Angus Guide to EPDS and  Indexes  Bred Heifers

 ProS ... Profi tability and Sustainability is   HB ..... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection   GM..... GridMaster is a selection index that   1  RUSCH HEIDI 353 WR   Cat.   %   Dam’s MPPA  Age

 an all-purpose index that predicts average   index that predicts the economic differences   predicts the average economic difference of     2/15/23   79  623  109   1A  100%   101   2
 economic differences in all segments in the   of animals for traits that are important from   non-replacement calves through the post-  WEDEL ORIGINAL 1197  WEDEL RANCHMASTER 9052G
 beef supply chain. This index is a combination   conception through weaning. Expressed   weaning phase of production. GM places    ProS   HB   GM  WFL AMP F8108
 of the breeding objectives modeled in the   as dollars per head born, HB is calculated   selection pressure on growth, feedyard    121  65  56  RUSCH HEIDI 111  RED U2 MALBEC 195D
                                                                                                 RUSCH HEIDI 956
 HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes.   based on the scenario that bulls are mated   performance and carcass traits. Expressed as     27%  26%   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 CED  BW
 In this index, replacement heifers are retained   to heifers and cows, replacement heifers   dollars per head born, GM is calculated based     10  -0.6  79  126  0.30  0.94  30  7  14  6  16  0.44  0.01  27  0.29  0.01
 from within the herd and all remaining   are retained and all remaining progeny are   on the scenario that progeny are fed out to     83%  74%   9%  11%  16%   75%  14%  71%  13%  70%  31%  45%   22%   40%  23%   34%
 progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a   marketed at weaning. Traits included in the   slaughter and marketed on a quality-based   353 is a powerful female out of a first-calf heifer. She is very feminine, long-sided and deep.
 quality-based grid. Traits included in this index  HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving   carcass grid. Traits included in GM include   She’s backed on the dam’s side by the Seeger Heidi cow line that has been producing quality
                                                               females for years.
 include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY,   Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature   Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry      Lot 1  Bred to HXC Constitution 1105J (#4525029) for a 2/12/25 bull calf.
 Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass   Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability   Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye
 traits. The resulting index is expressed in   (Index/High Value).  Area (Index/High Value).  2  RUSCH LAKOTA 399  #4824123
 dollars per head born (Index/High Value).                               BD     BW   WW   WR   Cat.   %    Dam’s MPPA  Age
                                                                        2/25/23   70  596  105   1A  100%    101   4
                                                                            LOOSLI RELEVANT 819  5L THE REAL DEAL 1687-143B
 CED .......Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born   CEM ......Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters    ProS   HB   GM  SRR  DORY-JIBA 0155-5036
 unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)  who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)    87  18  69  RUSCH LAKOTA 941  PELTON WIDELOAD 78B
                                                                 76%  97%   18%                  PKS LAKOTA 28X
 BW ........Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny.   STAY......Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained     CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
 (Pounds/Low Value)  daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6     12  -1.4  74  122  0.30  1.19  33  11  9   6  12  0.49  0.04  39  0.39  0.02
 WW .......Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight.   years of age. (Percent/High Value)     70%  58%   20%  16%  14%   91%  4%  88%  95%  77%  83%  36%   39%   8%   12%   52%
 (Pounds/High Value)  MARB ....Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of   This heifer is super deep ribbed and docile. Her dam and granddam have perfect udders. We
                                                               are excited to see what she will go on to produce.
 YW ........Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight.   intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)      Lot 2  Bred to Bieber CL Energize F121 (#3958815) for a 2/12/25 bull calf.
 (Pounds/High Value)  YG .........Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is
 ADG .......Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205   calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)  CW ........Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight.   3  RUSCH LAKOTA 3149  #4824257
 DMI .......Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured   (Pounds/High Value)     BD   BW   WW   WR   Cat.   %   Dam’s MPPA  Age
 in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)  REA .......Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area     3/13/23   75  583  102   1A  100%   104   2
 MILK .....Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking   measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)  PIE FRANCHISE 969  9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305
                                                                                                 PIE RUBY LADY 710
 ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)  FAT ........Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the    ProS   HB   GM  HXC DAWSON 7003E
                                                                129  71  58
 ME ........Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy   12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)    18%  17%   35%  RUSCH LAKOTA 140  3SCC LAKOTA E534
 requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)                        CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 13  -1.8  70  117  0.29  0.94  31  5  12  8  17  0.39  0.03  30  0.30  0.02
 HPG .......Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters     51%  49%   30%  23%  18%   75%  10%  56%  39%  35%  21%  55%   32%   27%  23%   48%
 who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to   Here is another phenomenal female out of a first-calf heifer. She is our daughter Jolyn’s
 breeding. (Percent/High Value)                                heifer. Her sister is in the pen at home getting halter broke to show next summer. Her dam
                                                    Lot 3      has a 104 MPPA on 2 outstanding heifers.
                                                               Bred to Bieber CL Energize F121 (#3958815) for a 2/12/25 heifer calf.
                                                                 4    SEEGER APRIL  393                      #4824231


                                                                        2/23/23   62  621  109   1A  100%   Dam’s MPPA  Age
                                                                            RUSCH CONQUEROR 923  LSF CONQUEROR 0026X
                                                                ProS   HB   GM                   PKS FIREFLY 9129W
                                                                 83  52  31  RUSCH APRIL 191     SEEGER CUB 618
                                                                 82%  52%   88%                  SEEGER APRIL 518
                                                                 CED  BW   WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                 17  -5.5  64  102  0.23  0.84  28  11  10  8  16  0.29  0.12  20  -0.02  0.03
                                                                 8%   4%   55%  56%  55%   64%  30%  87%  71%  24%  28%  82%   79%   67%  81%   70%
                                                               393 is dark red and long sided. The April females have done very well for us. The Wedel
                                                               Original bull she is bred to puts lots of length in his calves as well.
                                                    Lot 4      Bred to Wedel Original 1197 (#4471915) for a 2/11/25 heifer calf.
        SEEGER & RUSCH Red Angus                                                                                   7
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