Page 13 - Lone Tree Angus Bull & Female Sale, Red & Black – Feb. 24, 2025
P. 13

Red Angus Bulls                                                     LONE TREE ANGUS

                                                                          LONE TREE INVESTMENT M296
                                                                   16 16   Birth Date:    5001917  100%  1A  PERF  RATIO
                                                                                      Reg. #
                                                                                                        BW   104  129
                                                                        BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119           654  107
                                                                  GMRA INVESTMENT 1217J                 WW
                                                                        GMRA LARKABA 984G               YW   1187 108
                                                                        BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879           ADG  3.32 109
                                                                  LSF SRR GILDA  C5089     DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  2.57  95
                                                                        LSF GILDA W9935 Z2125   9  110  REA  11.4  98
                                                                ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA
                                                                 138  60  78  4  4.5  100  161  0.38  27  21  15  18  0.70  50  0.11
                                                                 10%  35%  8%  99%  99%  1%  1%   1%  37%  99%  7%   9%   10%   1%  58%
                                                               •  Impressive growth ratios verify his top 1% EPDs for WW, YW and ADG.
                                                               •  8 EPDs in the top 10% including HPG and Stay can make his genetics very useful in
                                                                 almost any breeding program.
                      Lot 16

                            Dam to Lot 16

                                                                          LONE TREE HIGH VOLTAGE M020
                                                                   17 17   Birth Date:    5002159  100%  1A  PERF  RATIO
                                                                                      Reg. #
                                                                                                        BW   76  103
                                                                        BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121              610  99
                                                                  LSF BJR HIGH VOLTAGE 1803J            WW
                                                                        TBJR DELLA 502                  YW   1130 103
                                                                        LONE TREE DAKOTA H037           ADG  3.23 106
                                                                  LONE TREE HAZEL K144     DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  3.18 118
                                                                        LSF RR HAZEL 9052 Z2330  2  100  REA  11.8 101
                                                                ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA
                                                                 163  92  71  12  -1.9  76  128  0.32  25  11  12  22  0.42  35  0.19
                                                                 1%  2%  15%  59%  48%  14%  9%   7%  55%  88%  38%   1%   49%  13%  40%
                                                               •  One of the two bulls in this offering that is in the top 1% of the breed for the com-
                                                                 posite ProS EPD.
                                                               •  He also ranks in the top 1% of the breed for Stay and top 2% for HB while also
                               Lot 17                            posting great performance data and EPDs.

                   LONE TREE HIGH VOLTAGE M148                            LONE TREE HIGH VOLTAGE M021
           18 18    Birth Date:    5002011  100%  2  PERF  RATIO   19 19   Birth Date:    5002177  100%  1A  PERF  RATIO
                               Reg. #
                                                                                      Reg. #
                                                 BW   90  111                                           BW    67  92
                 BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121              594  102          BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121              624  107
           LSF BJR HIGH VOLTAGE 1803J            WW               LSF BJR HIGH VOLTAGE 1803J            WW
                 TBJR DELLA 502                  YW   1138 106          TBJR DELLA 502                  YW   1128 105
                 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON        ADG  3.40 110          PIE CHAMPION 0126               ADG  3.14 101
           LONE TREE BERTHA G094    DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  2.43  88  LONE TREE MISS CHEYENNE K188  DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  2.08  76
                 LONE TREE BERTHA C032                                  TBLC MISS 050 CHEYENNE 493
                                         5  102  REA  12.7 112                                  2  103  REA  11.6 102
         ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA  ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA
          152  82  70  12  -2.0  79  131  0.33  31   8   15  18  0.45  30  0.20    136  77  60  18  -3.4  79  124  0.28  29  10  13  17  0.36  38  0.38
          3%  6%  16%  67%  46%  9%  7%  7%  9%  73%  9%  14%  43%  27%  38%    11%  10%  31%  4%  22%  9%  13%  22%  24%  82%  28%  17%  70%   8%  15%
        •  Black Hided                                          •  Another good spread bull with a 92 BW Ratio followed up with a 107 WW Ratio.
        •  He ranks in the top 10% of the breed for 7 EPDs including top 3% for ProS.  •  Noteworthy calving ease EPDs of top 4% CED and top 3% CEM.
        •  His actual performance ratios and 112 MB ratio further validate his breeding value.

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