Page 8 - Lone Tree Angus Bull & Female Sale, Red & Black – Feb. 24, 2025
P. 8

Red Angus Bulls

                   LONE TREE ANGUS

                                                           Lot 4                                   Dam to Lot 4

                   LONE TREE RIGHT KIND M089                           •  Our donor dam of this mating raised 4 sons that averaged
                                                                         $8,250 in last year’s sale.
            4 4     Birth Date:    5001959  100%  1A  PERF  RATIO      •  We used Buffalo Creek the Right Kind U199 for his strong
                              Reg. #
                                                 BW   88  ET             history in the breed and ability to produce phenomenal
                 BUF CRK LANCER R017                  613  ET            sons and daughters.
           BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199           WW                    •  Maternal brothers in the sale include lot 16.
                 BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353           YW   1170  ET
                 BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879           ADG  3.48  ET   ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA
           LSF SRR GILDA  C5089    DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  2.25  ET    88  40  48  10  0.8  86  136  0.31  25   8   14  12  0.20  40  0.16
                 LSF GILDA W9935 Z2125   9  110  REA  10.8  ET    73%  74%  58%  82%  91%  3%  4%   10%  54%  74%  15%  83%  94%   7%  46%

                                                           Lot 5
                                                                                                  Lot 5 with Dam
                   LONE TREE HIGH VOLTAGE M039                         •  Really cool mating here crossing Bieber Energize with Red
            5 5     Birth Date:    5002237  100%  1A  PERF  RATIO      •  A large spread from a 76 BW Ratio to a 108 WW Ratio.
                                                                         U2 Township and boy did it work!
                              Reg. #
                                                 BW   68  93           •  Very good carcass ratios of 108 MB and 106 REA.
                 BIEBER CL ENERGIZE F121              660  108
           LSF BJR HIGH VOLTAGE 1803J            WW
                 TBJR DELLA 502                  YW   1110 101
                 RED U2 TOWNSHIP 17G             ADG  2.80  92   ProS  HB  GM  CED  BW  WW  YW  ADG  M  ME  HPG  ST  MARB  CW  REA
           LONE TREE ROSE K111     DAM’S    AGE   MPPA  IMF  2.90 108    103  60  43  16  -3.7  75  116  0.26  29   6   14  13  0.32  27  0.43
                 LONE TREE ROSE G136     2  103  REA  12.3 106    52%  35%  69%  16%  18%  18%  25%  39%  19%  66%  19%  67%  77%  38%  7%

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