Page 25 - Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Auction – Feb. 1, 2025
P. 25
Simmental Sale Bulls
Sire Poll Birth Birth 9-6 205 10-22 46 11-19 28 12-17 28 102 Price
Tag Horn Date Wt. Wt. Adj. Wt. Day Wt. Day Wt. Day Day
Color Scur Wt. ADG ADG ADG ADG
%Sim Red Ang Dam
Calf Reg. # EPD's
1G SHARP SHOOT DP 2/11/24 96 667 669 800 2.89 878 3.5 970 3.29 2.97 $4,200
Red HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1470H) x SF Earthquake K282 (1090T) x ASR Cactus Red Z002 (816F) x (653B) Frame Score 6.3
PB Sim | C.E. 12.4 | B.W. 1.5 |W.W. 88.9 | Y.W. 140.4 |MWW 66.6 | MILK 23 | STAY 16.3
CARCASS Dam: 6.6 4.7 93.2 148.6 70.9 24.4 22.4
MA 0.38 Sire: 18.6 -2 78.5 123.5 62.2 23 10.2
RE 0.95 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 72-96 Ave. 85# Cow Wt. 1490
BF -0.08 API 152.1 TI 91.4 DNA Homozygous Red He has some blazed faced females on his dams side. 1090T and 816F are
4412552 blaze face cows and 653B was a white face. 1G has a weaning ratio of 104. His dam has a weaning weight ratio of 114 and
ranked 9/36. Top 10% of the breed for Yearling Weight, and 15% Weaning Weight. This is her first bull calf.
2G ALL ALONG DP 2/23/24 94 522 569 654 2.87 728 2.64 772 1.57 2.45 $4,000
Red Hook's Geyser 101G (1519J) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1298A) x LSFTopcut 24R (1111T) x Earthquake (1023P) Frame Score 5.3
PB Sim | C.E. 10.5 | B.W. 2.3 |W.W. 80.7 | Y.W. 121.4 |MWW 74.3 | MILK 31.1 | STAY 12.2
CARCASS Dam: 13.7 0.5 74.5 113 68.1 30.9 18.1
MA 0.27 Sire: 5.9 5.5 108.8 160.6 80.4 26.1 6.3
RE 1.04 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 78-94 Ave. 86# Cow Wt. 1275
BF -0.083 API 128.9 TI 82.6 DNA Homozygous Red Moderate framed out of one of our longest bodied Simmental sires. Top
4412574 15% of the breed for Milk.
3G SHARP SHOOT DP 2/23/24 98 684 700 858 3.78 958 3.57 1070 4.0 3.78 $4,200
Red SRF Shear Force 05U (1433F) x SF Earthquake K282 (1106T) x NLC Good A Nuff (908L) x (626A) Frame Score 6.5
PB Sim | C.E. 15 | B.W. 0.2 |W.W. 81.8 | Y.W. 105.5 |MWW 66 | MILK 27.4 | STAY 17.1
CARCASS Dam: 13.3 0.6 69.6 107.3 69.7 35 24
MA .34 Sire: 18.6 -2 78.5 123.5 62.2 35 10.2
RE 0.86 BW History of Dam on 5 Calves: Range 66-100 Ave. 90# Cow Wt. 1510
BF -0.072 API 153.3 TI 87.7 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike EPD's. His dams average weaning weight ratio is 103 on 5 calves
4412565 and she has a weaning ratio of 108 and ranked 7/33. 3G has a weaning ratio of 109 and ranked 5/39. Top 10% of the breed
for CED and Milk. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 16.73, Choice marbling.
4G SHARP SHOOT DP 2/23/24 102 646 679 780 2.91 804 0.86 850 1.64 2.0 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1476H) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1351C) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1216Y) x (1115U) Frame Score 6.6
PB Sim | C.E. 14.9 | B.W. 0.3 |W.W. 85.8 | Y.W. 128.4 |MWW 65 | MILK 23.6 | STAY 15.5
CARCASS Dam: 14 -0.3 82.1 116.8 67.7 26.7 20.7
MA .39 Sire: 18.6 -2 78.5 123.5 62.7 23 10.2
RE 0.76 BW History of Dam on 3 Calves: Range 71-102 Ave. 84# Cow Wt. 1290
BF -0.072 API 153.3 TI 90.9 DNA Homozygous Red Thick Sharp Shooter son. He has a weaning ratio of 106 and ranked in the top
4412568 15% of the breed for TI and 20% for Marbling and API. A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 16.20 with Choice marbling.
8G INFARED DP 2/28/24 80 578 646 746 3.65 810 2.29 912 3.64 3.27 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1511J) x LSF Everclear 8D (1415F) x LSF Red Dream 3U (1170X) x (952M) Frame Score 6.5
PB Sim | C.E. 13 | B.W. 0.2 |W.W. 87.4 | Y.W. 127.9 |MWW 71.6 | MILK 27.4 | STAY 15.5
CARCASS Dam: 13.8 -0.5 88.6 123 77.5 33.3 20
MA .13 Sire: 9.4 3.5 90.4 139.8 65.7 20.6 10.9
RE 0.99 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 80-88 Ave. 84# Cow Wt. 1175
BF -0.102 API 137.5 TI 86.0 DNA Heterozygous Red This bull ranked 10/40 for Birthweight and has a Weaning Weight ratio of 101.
4412561 1511J has a average weaning weight ratio of 108 and this is her first bull calf. Top 5% of the breed for BF. Could throw
grey calves on black cows.
9G HARDROCK H32 DP 2/28/24 101 652 688 752 2.17 832 2.86 950 4.21 2.92 $4,200
Red HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1197Y) x SF Earthquake K282 (1092T) x C&B Incumbent 4131 (850H) x (315W) Frame Score 6.5
PB Sim | C.E. 8.2 | B.W. 3.2 |W.W. 95.4 | Y.W. 141.3 |MWW 72.9 | MILK 26.3 | STAY 19.7
CARCASS Dam: 8.5 3.5 91.8 144.5 73.3 27.5 24.5
MA .16 Sire: 8.5 2.3 91.3 127.1 72.4 26.8 14.8
RE 0.96 BW History of Dam on 12 Calves: Range 64-120 Ave. 96# Cow Wt. 1690
BF -0.091 API 138.8 TI 86.8 DNA Homozygous Red Dam, 1197Y, doesn't show her age and keeps on producing good calves. She
4412497 has a weaning ratio herself of 112 and her calves have a average weaning ratio of 108 and yearling ratio of 103. 9G has a
weaning ratio of 107 and ranked 8/39. He is in the top 10% of the breed for Weaning Weight and 15% Yearling Weight,
Stay and BF. Four maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.12, 11.01, 13.95 and 17.26, three Choice one Choice minus