Page 30 - Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Auction – Feb. 1, 2025
P. 30
Hybrid Sale Bulls
Tag Sire Poll Birth Birth 9-6 205 10-22 46 11-19 28 12-17 28 102 Price
Horn Date Wt. Wt. Adj. Wt. Day Wt. Day Wt. Day Day
Color Scur Wt. ADG ADG ADG ADG
%Sim Red Ang Dam
Calf Reg. # EPD's
R1Y CLIFFTOP C186 DP 2/5/24 72 538 569 650 2.43 778 4.57 882 3.71 3.37 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1544K PB Sim) x OLF Otis A90 (1394E) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1330B) x (1100T) Frame Score 5.5
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 16.4 | B.W. -3.7 |W.W. 64.4 | Y.W. 94.7 |MWW 68.1 | MILK 34.1 | STAY 13.2
CARCASS Dam: 11 1.4 84.9 119.9 74.8 32.4 19.7
MA .16 Sire: 19 -6.7 57 88 NA 33 12
RE .17 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 72# 1st Calf Heifer Cow Wt. 1160
BF -.022 API 123.5 TI 72.2 DNA Homozygous Red Thick Clifftop hybrid son . He is in the top 5% of the breed for Milk, 10%
Birthweight and 20% CED. He ranked 4/40 on Birthweight. He goes back to the 1100T cow that 12G, 13G and 16G also
go back to.
R2Y CLIFFTOP C186 DP 2/8/24 72 558 590 678 2.61 786 3.86 868 2.93 3.04 $4,200
Red KBHR Sharp Shooter H080 (1535K PB Sim) x LSF Everclear 8D (1418F) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1240Z) Frame Score 5.8
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 19 | B.W. -5.3 | W.W. 64.6 | Y.W. 102.1 | MWW 65.1 | MILK 31.7 | STAY 12
CARCASS Dam: 16.7 -2.1 80.5 128 68.9 28.7 17.4
MA 0.32 Sire: 19 -6.7 57 88 NA 33 12
RE 0.27 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 72# 1st Calf Heifer Cow Wt. 1315
BF -0.222 API 137.1 TI 78.5 DNA Homozygous Red His dam ranked 8/43 on weaning weight with a 113 ratio. R2Y ranked 3/40
on Birthweight and is in the top 4% of the breed for Birthweight and 10% for both CED and Milk.
R3Y CLIFFTOP C186 DP 2/9/24 77 606 569 742 2.96 874 4.71 988 4.07 3.75 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1548K PB Sim) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1335C) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1197Y) Frame Score 6.3
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 14.8 | B.W. -2.1 |W.W. 75.9 | Y.W. 111.6 | MWW 69.1 |MILK 31.3 | STAY 13.6
CARCASS Dam: 10.8 1.8 94.4 134.1 76.9 29.8 20.5
MA .2 Sire: 19 -6.7 57 88 NA 33 12
RE .21 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 77# 1st Calf Heifer Cow Wt. 1210
BF -.021 API 126.0 TI 77.7 DNA Homozygous Red Top 5% of the breed for Milk and 15% for Birthweight. His dam ranked 6/43
on weaning weight and had a 114 weaning ratio. Clifftop marks his calves all the same with lots of thickness and style.
R4Y JULIAN H384 DP 2/12/24 84 678 722 820 3.09 904 3.0 1040 4.86 3.55 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1555K PB Sim) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1405E) x SF Earthquake K282 (1105T) Frame Score 6.4
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 13.9 | B.W. -1.7 |W.W. 84.8 | Y.W. 123 |MWW 69.1 |MILK 29.6 | STAY 18
CARCASS Dam: 10.6 2 91.6 130.3 79.6 33.9 20.4
MA .21 Sire: 16 -5.4 62 93 NA 34 16
RE .36 BW History of Dam on 1 Calf: BW 84# 1st Calf Heifer Cow Wt. 1225
BF -.028 API 137.3 TI 82.9 DNA Homozygous Red His dam weaned off 55% of her weight in calf as a first calf heifer with no
creep feed just pasture. He ranked 14/40 on Birthweight and 3/39 on Weaning Weight with a 112 ratio and is still growing.
His dam has a weaning ratio of 119 and ranked 2/43. Top 1% of the breed for Milk and 25% for Birthweight and Weaning
R5Y JULIAN H384 DP 2/19/24 91 642 671 732 1.96 820 3.14 926 3.79 2.78 $4,200
Red DKSR Mr Red Nation E73 (1516J PB Sim) x HSR Dakota Beef U653 (1343C) x SRF Shear Force 05U (1205Y) Frame Score 5.7
1/2 RA 1/2 SIM | C.E. 13.9 | B.W. -1.7 |W.W. 80.9 | Y.W. 118.6 |MWW 67.4 | MILK 28.7 | STAY 18.3
CARCASS Dam: 11.5 1 93 133.6 76.2 29.8 21
MA .24 Sire: 16 -5.4 62 93 NA 34 16
RE .37 BW History of Dam on 2 Calves: Range 61-91 Ave. 76# Cow Wt. 1280
BF -.03 API 138.2 TI 81.3 DNA Homozygous Red Top 2% of the breed for Birthweight, 3% Milk and 20% Stay. He has a weaning
ratio of 105 and ranked 14/39.
R6Y SHARP SHOOT DP 2/24/24 78 544 548 678 2.91 792 4.07 848 2.0 2.98 $4,200
Red Poke Big Jon 3029 5038 (2413E PB RA ) x BSF Nebula U049 (1646X) x Glacier Chateau 744 (716M) x (532K) Frame Score 6.5
1/2 SIM 1/2 RA | C.E. 13 | B.W. 0 |W.W. 77 | Y.W. 123 |ME 0 | MILK 16 | STAY 14
CARCASS Dam: 9 1.3 74 120 10 10 17
MA .41 Sire: 18.6 -2 78.5 123.5 NA 23 10.2
RE .50 BW History of Dam on 6 Calves: Range 62-94 Ave. 80# Cow Wt. 1895
BF -.03 ProS 118 HB 62 GM 56 DNA Homozygous Red Bred alike EPD's for the sire being Simmental and dam Red Angus. Top 4%
of the breed for REA, 13% Weaning Weight, 14% Yearling Weight, 15% ProS and 19% GM. Ranked 2/16 for Birthweight.