Page 4 - Broken Heart Ranch- Red Angus Bull Sale – March 5, 2025
P. 4

Sale Information

        DELIVERY:                                              BREEDING GUARANTEE:
           It is our policy to assist in delivery to your ranch or to central loca-  We guarantee all bulls to be breeders although we recommend you
           tions on major highways within 300 miles. Bulls picked up within   have the bull’s semen tested a couple of weeks before turn out time.
           three or four days will receive a $50 hauling refund. We will keep   If after two tests a bull is found to be a non-breeder, we will replace
           the bulls until April 1 at no charge but we will not be responsible for   the bull or allow credit toward next year’s sale. This guarantee is
           sickness or injury. However, we will keep you informed if anything   void if there is evidence of improper management in caring for the
           turns up. We would like to start delivering bulls as soon as weather   animal, or the bull’s inability to breed is due to sickness or injury
           permits. We’re giving a 5% discount on 5 or more bulls to the same   which was incurred after being sold. The bull shall be returned by
           ranch and a 10% discount for 10 bulls to the same ranch.  the purchaser or other arrangements made with us. Scrotal mea-
                                                                  surements and ultra sound data on the bulls will be available on sale
        HEALTH:                                                   day. All bulls are born and raised on this ranch.
           All cattle are on a complete vaccination program and are BQA
           Certified. Oahe Veterinary Clinic, (605) 845-3634, is our primary   SEMEN INTEREST:
           veterinarian and will also be available on sale day. None of the cattle   Broken Heart Ranch is retaining a 1/3 semen interest in all bulls and
           have had creep feed.                                   selling full possession, full salvage, plus 2/3 semen revenue. This
                                                                  means any semen sold on any of the bulls, Broken Heart will receive
        INSPECTION OF CATTLE:                                     1/3 the selling price per unit. We also reserve the right to collect
           Cattle will be available for inspection at any time prior to the sale.
                                                                  semen on any of the bulls, for our own use. This semen will be col-
        LIABILITIES:                                              lected at our expense and the buyer’s convenience.
           All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The owners   GENOMICS:
           assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may
           occur.                                                 All bulls have been DNA tested and have genomically-enhanced

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        2 – Pederson’s Broken Heart Ranch
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