Page 2 - Jones Red Angus Bull Sale – March 8, 2025
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Welcome Jones
Welcome to the Annual Jones Red Angus Bull Sale!
Welcome back to our annual bull sale. We can’t believe year
2 is here already! We are thankful to have you consider our
program to move your program forward. Going through the
catalog you will find pedigrees with generations of great cow
families stacked. We focus on cows that wean a high percent-
age of their body weight, stay in good flesh and breed back in
a timely manner. We understand that a cow can only wean as
heavy as her environment will allow. We try and add as much
performance as possible, while maintaining maternal merit.
We are very excited to offer this set of bulls for your apprais-
al. Going through the catalog, you will find strong maternal
traits in all of the bulls and find they are structurally sound.
Whether you are looking for a calving ease, balanced or high
performing bull you will find it here. We have faith in our
cow herd and believe all of these bulls will leave behind great
daughters that will be the future of your cowherd.
On behalf of the Jones family, we want to thank you for showing an interest in our program. We look forward
to making new friends and visiting with old friends come sale day. If you have any questions, please reach out
and we will point you in the right direction!
Thank you,
Jordan and Erika Jones